it’s true

……IMG_9674406072996                                                                            IMG_25484664629789A child can teach an adult three things:

to be happy for NO reason,

to always be busy with something,


to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires……….



How long have you passed the exams?In Canada,to improve yourself you must study.I have since the beginning of year every two weeks to pass the exam.Today take the exam too.

Not afraid before.Like I feel that is useless to repeat.I proved,I was right.No question of any textbook was the exam.Questions were confusing.Feeling that complicate specifically to a little people gone.

))Helping to reduce competition in the industry.

Anyway…..I have a test for a different specificity next week.

Go to draw a picture in the evening and tomorrow will show11-E8436808-2736116-960