spring art of transformation

May has flown by very quickly taking a lot of beautiful days.

 Heat came in Toronto one day after a long famine, and the winds.

 In Toronto there is no spring and knows the nature.
Very long exhausting winter with snow  return in April and May.
And then……. one day it becomes unusually hot and sunny
And every living thing in the Toronto / dogs, people ,raccoons, birds / creep out into the streets in a massive amount 🙂
 It begins the most interesting time for residents
People wear the most colorful clothes and start to get acquainted with each other more actively.
Bird nest and creating a growing chicks sing extremely nice and loud.
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The owners of houses are beginning to repair them or to sell.
Begin to repair the road and there are huge traffic jams.
Generally, this is a period of alterations and amendments.
 This is a spring art of transformation