Translation errors

We in life often live, talk and think in one language, but write, respond, translate in another language.
It happens with  many people get into our age of globalization.

Today I will tell you about several funny cases from the world where I live……………….

Translation errors…………………………

I walked in the park with my chihuahua dog. It’s a tiny dog that has a very short hair……

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We walked with my dog. My dog is on a leash. A woman with a poodle comes up and asks me
                                               – Your dog is shedding?
 I did not understand,  I understand thought shading (multiplying, has sex with other dogs)


,,Well, there is a poodle. And I have chihuahua,,-(I thought to myself)
I answer:


She ask again:
                                          -Does your dog molt?
I thought:,, She insists so much…….why?Here … park…..where I’m walk….. she is stuck…..

I answer:
                                            -My dog has sex only with chihuahua….
She already makes her eyes surprised and runs away.
I remembered her word. I went home and looked for a word in the dictionary. For a long time I laughed, remembering the eyes of a woman killing me and pulling her poodle from me and  my dog

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Another story took place in the Carpathians………….

Story about a word………….KURWA…………..

This word is popular in Poland. It means swearing…..(in translation)

This word can mean ,,a prostitute,,…..(in translation)

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I rested at the resort. One day two men from Poland came and asked to show where is good restaurant  to eat and where is interesting places in that city.

I agreed to show them…….
We walked along the road…….
They were smiling me, were interested in me.
They talked among themselves in Polish.
I do not know Polish, except one word, well, two, maybe three.
So, they talked. Smiled, looked at me, again smiled.
Of their words, I understood only one word, and this was…..hahaha….it was …KURWA…

I brought them to the restaurant, and left.
I come to my friends and talk about the Polish men.
-They abused me. Smiled and told me the word     KURWA……….

My friends told:
-So can they be with each other, can their dialect be like that?

But I insisted on my:
-I thought they offended me, like a woman …



Of course this is all jokes and comic stories……….



This winter, I travel a lot again.
Winter was very serious…..very cold…..

Remains a little time, and this cold winter will pass away.


I’m already preparing ….
In my soul and in my dreams I already had a snowman on the sea……hahaha ….like in picture….

Translation errors

I wish you a good mood and see you !!!