
How to describe the period from February 13 to 18, 2025. Toronto. Canada?
In a word – it continues.
There is little joy in the city from the snow, everything is buried in solid snowdrifts. Even cars did not rise to shovel them on Sunday. If the weather spoils us and more snow falls this week, then even a very active snow digger will give up from the impossibility of clearing the paths. On the night from Sunday to Monday, some crazy guys decided to drive along an uncleaned street. It all ended with one in a pickup truck flying up a mountain of snow across the road, breaking all the cables and scattering parts of the car. Removing it was also problematic, since it is difficult for cars to leave and arrive at the location. And at that moment I noticed that the cars were driving carefully along the open lane. And not one, not one stopped to help remove the moron from the hill!
We must understand the harsh, specific character of our inhabitants.

Then a gusty wind blew and a small plane at the airport landed on the roof, flipping over and breaking its wings. How can they allow landings in such weather? And perhaps this is not the best time for flights.
But today the sun is shining blindingly, cold, provocative. We fed the sparrows that spend the winter in our trees. The birds pounced on the food, not even waiting for us to move away. They already trust us. Weather-tested))

I am disabled in one eye, I am trying to pull myself out of idleness and painted.
All the critics around me, discussing my work, say that I am great at landscapes. Winter ones, for example.
So I am trying.
I want to sweeten my condition with something.
I am giving you a new work – Winter landscape
You will see from it how much I miss painting with oil paints.
Still, oil cannot be replaced by acrylic. And in the summer, when there is an opportunity to paint with oil paints in the open air, I will return to my favorite technique.
In the meantime, for you – winter landscape

Size:7 ”x5

Acrylic on canvas

Feb 2025

Snow Storm

A snow storm is covering Toronto. This is the fifth wave in a week or the third in a day. Another 10 cm of snow is expected. During my stay in the city, I have seen such a strong snow storm for the first time. Today is Sunday and the city is frozen. Everyone is in their homes. It is impossible to go outside, since in most cases, the roads have not yet been cleared, walking is problematic. Many exits from houses are covered and there are no cars in the city. Everything has stopped. Only beautiful snow-white snow falls and falls. As if the cloud above the city is full of holes and sheds its precious feathers. Everything turns soft white. Snowdrifts are already taller than a person. And if two weeks ago, higher, north of Toronto there were snowdrifts of this height, now they are in Toronto too. And what about further north? Strength to city residents to have enough strength to clear these snow drifts. Without snow removal machines it is impossible to do without. The snow is becoming sticky and heavy and it is becoming increasingly difficult to remove it manually. Just yesterday, cars from the city came and helped, cleared it and threw salt. The next thing after this will be a frost of -20 this week and after that – the melting of this snow. That is why we dig out houses – so that houses do not get flooded when the snow melts. That is why these convenient plazas are made in cities – so that in case of cataclysms you can drive in and have a post office, shops and cafes in one place. Now I understand the convenience of building cities in America.

Snow Storm

7” x 5 ”

Acrylic on canvas

Feb 2025

The snow keeps falling and falling.
The beauty that you watch from the window.
Rare cars try to drive along the uncleaned roads. Everyone is hiding and waiting – just a few more hours and you can go out, dig up, clean the paths around the house and the entrance to the houses. Just a few more hours. And then you have to dig up so that the water doesn’t get into the house, and then you have to sprinkle the paths with sand so that it’s not slippery.
Our Canadian winter is in full swing

Year of Snak

Do you know how many times I started this post and deleted it?
Okay, I’ll tell you as always diplomatically – I created this Petrykivka Snake.
Not in December, but in mid-February.

It was physically impossible to do this earlier.
Today I show it to you and say that I don’t want another start to the year like this.

The year of the snake began with surprises, evil, cold and calculating. It is insidious and unpredictable.

Here you have his Petrykivka

Size: 14″ x 11″

Acrylic on canvas

Feb 2025

14 february

I congratulate everyone who is affected by this date on the holiday and wish you your faith. Let it be the current stimulus of your life.
It was you, despite all the ups and downs of life over the past 2 thousand years, who returned hope and gave life. Despite wars, adversity, illnesses and epidemics. Despite the fear of being worn out, the fear of being destroyed, the fear of being misunderstood. You made those unexpected exits from situations and after you came life. New life.
Today I will write little. I will simply put one of my paintings, which was created a long time ago, but I was archiving my works and raised it. I admired it for a long time. I love this unique, author’s work of mine. And I love my works when I paint with oil paints.

Петриківка СИНІЙ ПТАХ