My advice in the financial crisis in the country

Write this post I started after today’s news in the newspapers about the real estate crisis in Toronto and Ontario.

real estate crisis

We talked about the collapse of our mortgage company and what can we expect from this?

The absolute truth that the crisis has not touched the whole of Canada.
For this thanks to the division of Canada into independent provinces.

And the crisis did not begin today, it has been marching for more than two years and was seen by unexpected dismissals of workers and the closure of large companies.
It was noticeable for a number of stops of financing for non-profit organizations.

And the government is struggling with the situation
The main thing is not to interfere with them
They have already raised the tax on the purchase of real estate by foreigners in Ontario.
They take steps, do them very carefully and reluctantly spread out.

I remember….
We wrote at the studio pilots in late 2016 and one of these pilots was about the
 crisis of real estate.
The pilot did not pass  🙂
The project was closed  🙂

There are other symptoms, but I will not list them.

We are already in it, today.
I drink coffee today morning and there is a crisis.


How to live, what to do, what is my decision or vision?

The crisis was more than two years ago.
Then various TV shows were on TV. I watched one of them and remembered.
The presenter asked one of the best realtors in North America about his attitude to the real estate crisis.
The question was asked this way:
-,,What if the crisis has come?,,

He replied:
-,,If the family lives in a big house, two generations-adults, a father’s faamily and a son’s family. They are cramped. Something must be decided.

Two options for this case.
One option is to sell the property and split.
The second option is to overstay or rebuild in the light of the new situation-to change toilets, to expand the area of the house.
I choose the second. In a crisis not to change the property, stay in the same and improve its quality.,,
I absolutely agree with him

Resale will additionally disproportion in the sale / purchase and intensify the crisis.
In addition, the purchase of property will not be identical to the previous one, but will be a step worse. And this is lower quality and not worth risking.
Maybe in general very bad options. The truth is that everything around is collapsing and options for a good choice will not be cheap. The difference will be obvious.

You do not rise so, but go down.
The crisis increases the difference between buying and selling and if you take a mortgage, it increases the cost of your mortgage

I analyze my practice and the situations that I have experienced over my years. This happened to me in the Middle East, in Ukraine, in Canada.

My advice, how to protect yourself from the crisis:

1.If the currency of the country falls by 30% is a sign of trouble. Red light,,dangerous,,,,be careful,,

Banks in such a situation are in danger, your loans and deposits are also at risk.

If you did not take your deposits before the crisis, if you do this during crises, you break the balance sheet and exacerbate the crisis./Thank you for being real estate course 🙂 /

2.Do not sell anything from your main property.
If you did not do it before the crisis, in a crisis this is a big risk.
Not to resell property- is a big mistake if you did not do it before the crisis.
Do not transfer excess , accumulated money in real estate is a big mistake if you do that with open new morgage.
During the crisis it is good to rent out.
The rental price will rise and will be adequate to the crisis.

3.To buy something from the real estate for the formed big money, the capital,in another place.Make something different this time.Do not gamble in the market, if you are not a professional player….
 Do something,what give you money outside places of risk ( real estate,banks,deposite).Do your money in services and educations.

It will help you survive the crisis and have an independent capital.
These are my observations and my advice.




real _estate_ crisis

P.S.It’s very nice to receive such letters, they make me work.
Thanks you