Which street festival in Toronto in August do you prefer?

Summer is almost over.
A couple of weeks and again Toronto for six months will be in the wintertime.
This month is the most busy on street entertainment,events and festivals.
As my friend says, do not go from Toronto in the summer to a distant country.
Everything is close.
Just choose the country, see when and where in Toronto the festival of this country and go there.
He’s right.
Everything is at festivals.
There is music, dancing and trade in traditional food and clothes.

So I got on last weekend for two different, unique and very interesting street festivals.

More precisely at three.

I was a representative of the Ukrainian Drama Theatre Zahrava on the  Ukraine’s Independence Day last Saturday.
This is a regular event in which our theater participates. The theater of the gates is one of the oldest ukrainian theaters in Toronto. This year the theater will be 65 years old. And we are already a unique collective, who are proud and  usually invited to participate in events related to Ukraine.

The next was the Chinese Street Festival on Spadina Street.
This is Chinatown.
I like to go there on ordinary days.
There are a lot of Chinese shops with nice prices for all sorts of souvenirs. The cheapest T-shirts ($ 3 for $ 10) .Tourists for souvenirs or gifts-always come there.
Still there are inexpensive restaurants with Chinese and Vietnamese food.
Still there is a Chinese supermarkets, where everything is from China. There I buy tea, fruit-vegetables and sometimes traditional Chinese goods.
Spadine in Toronto is known as the street on which the smoking of marijuana was legalized. It was still last autumn. Then the street turned into eateries, where people hurried and went out with shining eyes.
Spadine in the inner streets famous by some inexpensive shops of clothes and shoes. There you can cheaply cut your hair or make a manicure.
And the murals of Spadine are painted brightly .

All this image of the Chinese district of Toronto.

And now I’ll show you and tell you what I saw yesterday.

As I left at the Spadine subway, there were a lot of people hurrying to the festival.  I had to drive a couple stops on the streetcar. And get to the environment of China. Everything says, sings, dances, invites and treats in Chinese.
An unusually generous people and a festival.
Unlike other countries, they closed half of the street for the festival. So they gave the opportunity to move the streetcar.
I know that in other regions, overlapping traffic for two days of the festival causes a lot of problems for the residents of those streets.
Then everything is correct, logical and decent. It always bribes.
A lot of people, a mixture of both East Asia and Europe and Latin America-all at the festival.


A huge number of Chinese street restaurants with very cheap prices.
There were accumulating queues of people.
The price of meat on a spit ranged from 1 to 5 dollars.
Combo from 5 to 7 dollars.
It bribed people and people bought and tryed food..everywhere stood smell, sometimes not quite appetizing.

I’m not one of the lovers of experiments, so I only made films.


Around the voice, sounds.
Color and diversity………all this carries over into another world.
As if there is no Toronto, the northern capital.

I think watching the video you feel in China

Ah, these Chinese ducks !!!
How tempting they are!
Standing by the shop- window, saliva running……
I love the Chinese duck.
Its taste is unique.
And if it’s with sake or wine……..oo-o-o-o!

Two both sites were traditional Chinese activities.
And then I looked at the ,,rice cleaning dance,,or ,,rice harvest,,dance…..
This is a traditional dance.
But I smiled, looking at the dancers.
This is from our life in Canada, the Chinese girls are so fat. All this meat, fats. They are deposited in the hips and tall and small women, sparing neither me nor the Chinese.…..
And we with 160 growth directly turn into ballons. So I watched the dance of such ballons from Toronto, who danced the traditional dance of harvesting rice.
Very interesting dance. Smooth and plastic.

I admit humor in my blog
Do not rush to evaluate.


Women who have moved to Canada are subject to changes in the form of the body. And this is not news. It is a fact our life in north country.
Well  if you thin. Everyone else should move a lot and manage these fats and kilograms.


Аnd I’ll show you the most interesting video for me.
This is a traditional head.
On the parade, which took place on the first day of the festival, they are carried and danced.
A very beautiful procession along the street.
Today they have already danced and are lying for the show.
They are huge and majestic.


Like everything good, the festival is over.
All removed, put forward for the next year.
And I decided that next year I will come to Spadine.
Can buy a duck or beef on a stick.
And again I’ll see the ,,Rice harvest,, dance.




Incredible August notes


  • Incredible_ August_ notes



Outside the window, August shines with the sun.
It means half a year has passed…..August is present…Incredible August.


Incredible _August notes

It means again soon the excruciatingly long Canadian cold winter….wow and oh….
It means how I’m close into the business and will slowly plan and implement new ideas.

But today last summer month and last warm days.

Incredible -Augustnotes

As a southerner I like to spend time under the sun.
I like to sunbathe under it, bathe in its rays.


Last July left his memories

Incredible August notes
I worked in the production of a short film #Horrors #Horrors_short (you can connect with production through Instagram) as Production Manager with #AmandaEbeye #katherinacurci #benphillstudio #mikeonley #kcmuel #sonia_blayd #laurastoica1983

Incredible- August notes    Incredible Augustnotes    Incredible- August- notes



IncredibleAugust notes       IncredibleAugustnotes

It was amazing cast and crew.

Time ran very quickly and in August I already with all responsibility sat down for writing a script about Jewish boys.

Incredible -August _notes

Script name is #Journeytothefuture @Journey to the future it is future’s film script about two boys’s traveling from Galicia to Ukraine to the coveted America

Incredible August notes Vinnusa   plakat  y seli plakat


It is comedy.It is me second future film script.It is also second script road movie and second about traveling in Ukraine/comedy.

I’m not specifically writing this, it’s a coincidence.
But the last scenario is not quite easy.
It is undoubtedly very interesting.
For me this immersion in the 1930s. For the history of this layer is very undiscovered.
And what I find in the description of that time, I want to cry,
but I’m writing a comedy.


placat agitazia       group women
I love my job very much.
These are unrepeatable impressions.
This is a thousand times better impressions than playing on stage as an actor.(for me)
It is not easy to write that, because in the film there will be four languages: Yiddish, Polish, Ukrainian and Russian

Not having the right to describe everything, I will only show a few photos that will reflect the idea of the film
I am very interested in the idea and I am completely captured by it




IncredibleAugust- notes

Do you believe that August is unusual and very interesting?Yes,incredible.



I publish a short excerpt from my script……….
I would like to hear your feedback…..
I have a general question: Do I need to publish such work on the internet?



Інтер’єр кімнати спочивальні діда.Вечір.

Велике масивне дерев’яне ліжко посеред кімнати.

На екрані з’являється напис,, 2016 рік.Торонто.Канада,,

На ліжку під ковдрою лежить 75-річний сивий чоловік,підключений під крапельницю.

Коло ліжка на стільці сидить адвокат, 45-річний чоловік в окулярах й швидко записує у блокнот.

-..I transfer my house to the legacy, in the center of Etobicoke, Ontario, an area of 350 square meters and costing 3.5 million Dollars USA,under certain conditions described earlier ….

Перевод:,,Надаючи йому у спадок мій дім з прилеглою до нього землею у центрі Єтобіко,провінція Онтаріо,площею 350 кв.метрів з певними умовами,перерахованими вище…..,,.

У спочивальню заходить медична сестра,підходить до крапельниці,перевіряє її.

Адвокат закриває блокнот,встає зі стула та підходить до дверей.Медсестра оглядає хворого та поправляє ковдру на ліжку.Адвокат обертається до хворого.

-Only if these conditions are met !-звучить ледь чутно голос сивого хворого.

Перевод: ,,Тільки при виконанні ціх умов!,,


Екстерьер заможнього будинку.Літо.День

Коло будинку стоїть машина-катафалк.Задня центральна двер машини відкрита.З будинку,з центральних дверей чотири чоловіка виносять дубову труну з великими червоно-білими квітами-вінками на кришці та йдуть до катафалку.Один чоловік дуже високий зростом лисий у чорних окулярах,чорній куртці та чорних штанах.

Поруч нього лисий товстий високий чоловік у яскраво червоній жилетці з написом ззаду,,Не паркуватись,, та номер,,81,,

Ззаду труну несуть два товстих маленьких чоловіка.Вся вага на них,їм важко.Великі квіти на кришці труни з’їхали на їх сторону.Один чоловік одягнений у стьогану куртку з двума білими полосами на рукавах змокрів,другий одягнутий у чорний вузький светр та чорну жилетку весь час надува щоки від ваги труни.

Три чоловіка у чорних костюмах та четверо жінок у чорних сукнях стоять поруч з машиною,проводжаючи труну.

До катафалка підносять труну,ставлять у машину.

Задні двері катафалка зачиняються.Чотири чоловіка сідають у машину по два з кожного боку.Чоловіки змахують зпотнілі обличчя.Машина від’їзжає від будинка.

Люди,що стояли коло будинка розходяться, йдуть до припаркованих машин.


Інтер’єр кабінету адвоката.День.

За столом сидить адвокат,листаючи товсту папку з документами.

Бере мобільний телефон з кишені,набирає номер,підносить до вуха:

-Yes, I’m looking for this (підіймає листа з папки та чітко вимовляє імя)B-o-g-d-a-n V-u-y-k-o.

At this address, he no longer lives for more than fifteen years. Yes,the legacy went into effect.

(кладе папір на стіл з папкою)

Family Vuyko left Toronto and returned either to Ukraine or to Poland.

I sent inquiries to the embassies

Перевод:,,Так,я шукаю цього Богдана Вуйко.За зазначеним місцем проживання він вже п’ятнадцять років не живе.Спадок вступив у силу.Сім’я Вуйко залишала Торонто та повернулась чи то на Україну,чи то у Польшу.Наразі запит надіслано до посольств.

Адвокат кладе мобільний телефон на стіл.Розглядає документи у папці.Бере

ручку та записує у записнику помітки.Підкреслює їх.Дивиться у вікно.


на екрані з’являється напис

,,2018 рік.Польша.Варшава.,,

Кадри з новин.Швидко перелистуються кадри відкриття байкерського зльоту у місті Рініа,Польша.

Голос диктора :

,,Polish police are on alert as bikers from clubs across Europe and the United States gather near Warsaw for an annual meeting.

Police say they expect about 1,000 bikers in total Interior Minister Mariusz Blaszczak says 5,000 police were being deployed to ensure no trouble during the weekend event,,

Кінец титрів


If you want to have a good rest in Ukraine

if you- want to have a good rest in Ukraine

For a trip to Ukraine you need to prepare.
This is an interesting country, there are many places in it where you can have a good rest.
I will tell you today about such places.
My path this summer lay by an amazing city on the Black Sea coast.
This is an unforgettable place on the map of a beautiful country.
 It is a port. A city where there is always a mixture of languages ​​and a lot of guests.
In the summer there is good time for rest.Odessans say that everything is very expensive .But if take   one-bedroom apartment on the right site of Odessa (Fountain Road) or cottage it is good choice.That is  price startingfrom 450griven to day.Have cheaper options when you come two families and take two-room apartment.
Transport is not expensive. You can live and not quite near the sea, then the prices for housing will be cheaper.
If you eat in restaurants, they are many options..Very popular bakery, where there is always fresh pastries, coffee. Economy offer, you can buy food in ,,Silpo,, and heated in the microwave.
There are a lot of fruits and vegetables in the bazaars.
Prices are different, but by the evening as a rule sales and berries go for half the price.
I do not advise a fish .There is not medical control and I didnot recomend.You can test lot of  beer with dry fish or shrimp from the store (by weight, cooked and frozen).
From drinks a variety of beer, wine, cognac and vodka.Price is different,but I advise middle,becouse cheaper can be fake.

if you want to- have a good rest in Ukraine

There are many beaches in Odessa .Popular and very clean, city’s beaches.
Therefore, you should not overpay and rest in expensive places. Now there are very few people there.

Odessa is interesting by people.…..
And evening walks
In the city there are many parks. Many flowering villages, many flowers.
Very nice and cozy

But around the station is not very good. Even a bit dangerous. Therefore, it is not worth buying anything or living there.

My advice for visitors is not to use a taxi, but by shuttle bus or streetcar.It is quite enough to travel.

In the evening walk on Deribasovskaya and sit in an open cafe and drink coffee or beer, it’s great.


if you want to have -a good rest in Ukraine


The next interesting place is Cherkassy.
I came there on a minibus. It’s not cheap. But the trip is worth it.
The city is old. The houses is beautiful, ancient, the center has been restored to yellow-white color.
The city is located on the site of the Dnieper, the hunger for the dam. Very beautiful.
Residents of the city on weekends rest on the islands, which are many around the city. Therefore, there are areas of the city that are called the Ukrainian Shanghai.
Stay there on boats and at home stand on piles on the water.People catch fish, rest, go for a drive on boats.

if you want to have a- good rest in Ukraine

I had a wonderful weekend with friends in this wonderful city.

if you -want to have- a good rest in Ukraine

I was accompanied by this little beautiful and fluffy Michelle


if you want to have a good rest in Ukrain-e

The prices for rent here are very cheap and the products are much cheaper from Odessa and Kiev


Mixture of graphics with modernism

I publish my last work.

Mixture of graphics with modernism

Its name is ,, Eyes,,(2018)
A very unusual picture in the painting and its name and this I liked))
I long  time chose that style and still
for a year I have been working in this style.
It’s a mixture of graphics with modernism.


Mixture- of graphics with modernism

I like the layering and contrast with the classic image.
There is clearly a line between the shadows.
There is no ray impinging.
Kind of like flat drawing, but it’s multilayered.

Mixture of graphics- with modernism

I draw painting in this style in the same color.
I publish these paintings only on www.saatchiart.com
I’m watching the activity of the site during last publication.
Unfortunately, with their paintings and images on them, I frightened the active buyers.
I have reduced the number of my paintings
I do not see anyone actively ,,like,, them…..
but it does not stop me.

Mixtur-e of graphics with modernism

This one of the previous works.

These works have their own emphasis and I like it.
Someone told me that it was drastic.
Someone said that scary.
But nothing dramatic and terrible there.
There is such an image.
It requires a specific understanding.

Mixture of graphics with -modernism

That my landscape.

All works are united by one theme and are modern.
They are made in accordance with the current trends here the schedule is connected with modernism…

Modernism is a philosophical movement that, along with cultural trends and changes, arose from wide-scale and far-reaching transformations in Western society during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Mixture of graphics- with modernism

I love this work, it’s unusual and original.

A few days ago, I showed the last work to the public and visitors of the exhibition.
The reviews were mixed,
I understand that it was possible and simply watercolor landscapes to draw, flowers.
And everyone will praise.
But I like this style.

Mixture of -graphics with modernism

Mixture- of graphics with -modernism

I will continue to draw in this manner.
This painting is a continuation.
see more…..

Happy Birthday!!!

I congratulate myself on my birthday!!

happy birthday
Tomorrow I will be a year longer!
Yes, I’m such a May flower))



happy birthday1

For half a century the blooms and blooms )) Big flower ))
How quickly time goes by…….
How much I want to do … I do not have time……I plan more… very often I hurry up to be successful and do not accurately .. I swear myself for it……


happy birthday2

Where does #creativity come from?
Thank you to my parents
I was very small, they saw in me the difficulties))
I did not yield to their upbringing and did everything as I wanted))
It was hard for them to feed me.
It was difficult for me to instill my way of life. Because I became very independent early and left home.
It was difficult for them to impose their own rules, I remained myself.
Over the years I realized this, I realized and began to support myself.
Very early I got married. So now women do not do such early.
Very early I had boys, sons, and I grew them with love and pleasure.
Then I even forgot that I was a flower, that I was a beautiful flower. I did not have time to think about it.
Only recently I realized that I was the most important thing in me.


happy birthday3Only recently I began to acquire selfishness, to answer, “No,” and only deal with the most beloved business.


happy birthday 5


It’s a great happiness to see the #world through the eyes of the artist, to improve it with the eyes of the #decorator, to show it to you through the #camera operator’s eyes, to #shoot it and write in #script.

happy birthday4

Parents gave me to study the most incomprehensible business for them-art. And I’m tiny, pulled,survived.
I drew, wrote poems, actively performed on stage, sang and played piano. Even danced ballet. Therefore, I still have a very staged body and the body’s posture was like that of a ballerina. Legs looked at an angle of 45 degrees when I stood.
I was asked by many,, Are you a #ballerina?,,
,,No, I studied.,,- So I answered
I really learned a lot. Very much. And comprehensively.
happy birthday 6

I also taught medicine and art and film production and administration and sound engineering and how to paste eyelashes and how to sew and embroider))
Most recently I started to get good cakes and sweets. Before that, I will not do it, it was always not delicious or it did not work.
My younger son is growing up, he celebrates his birthday for a few days before me. I baked two cakes for his holiday, so that I could get a little.
It’s nice to share good with loved ones.
This year, winter has retreated, only yesterday it was a little sunny and warm in my backyard in Etobicoke.
Slowly begin to swell and #blossom flowers in the garden.
Today is already dew on the grass. The day before yesterday morning it was snowing.
In the awakening of nature, I draw my strength.
I’m waiting for my lilies of the valley, my favorite flowers.
They still slept.Not thrown stems. Soon I will admire them.

Happy birthday, planet!
It’s great that we live together!
Happy Birthday!!!

I’m going to drink my favorite morning coffee………….
                                                                            happy dirthday 7

Petrykivka painting

Petrykivka is popular folk style in Ukraine and in the world.

I today just want to remind you that this kind of painting is very old.

It originates from the very first rock paintings, where symbols and joss were drawn.

Later, in temples and rooms, the custom of drawing symbols that adhere to the Petrikov style was preserved.
I very often wrote that drawing these painting, the artist creates a special message for the place where the painting will be.

Therefore, when I talk about the amazing month of April, I tell you about my inspiration to draw wonderful paintings for you

I create them, filling them with warmth and tenderness.

main image

Less than a day after the end of the painting,, April.Petrykivka,,
I immediately wanted to sit down and draw another painting.
Already changing the shape of the flower and creating it in green.

Why green?It is spring now))
I did not notice how I started plotting the painting.
If earlier I wanted to fill all the canvas with flowers?but today I selected flowers by drawing them not often, creating space between them.

close to image and sign


I twined the branches with flowers as in the previous work.

To make a painting and at the same time make it an individual, I used gold paint.

Earlier I did not have to work with this paint.
I took a chance, but I was justified.
I shined the ends of the leaves with golden paint.
She did not stand out, but rather a little stared with the main yellow-brown-green leaves.
This was the idea of the painting.
Here I publish a video for your better viewed the painting.


It turned out very gentle and light.
To show how it is combined in different rooms, I will give below a few photos

in room

Unusually spirit and tender turned out this painting.


Petrykivka April's

Ready for hang

in home



Medium:oil on canvas

Available for purchase


April’s Petrykivka.Part two

Most recently, I wrote a post about getting started in Petrykivsky style.
Today I publish to you the completed work.

April's Petrykivka-Part two


This is a photo of a completed work.
April Petrykivka is over.
I was fortunate through an all-powerful facebook to consult a talented artist from Ukraine HALYNA NAZARENKO

When I drew a painting, I asked her for advice. She advised me to put the flowers together in a wreath.
I made it.

Of course this is happiness when you draw Petrykivka.
Extraordinary impressions.
I just say one word-charm))
When you create a composition, you draw shapes, you sketch outlines with a pencil, you do not see the whole painting as a whole.
Then you color it in a tone. Then you amplify that tone. The color often wilts and you have to repeat it again.
It turns out multilayered oil paint.
I know that many people paint with acrylic or gouache on paper.
I paint with oil. This is my underscore.
After the first sketch of the picture, you give it a rest. The paints settle down and in the second time you draw an ornament.
When everything is already done, you shape the shapes of leaves and flowers.
Again you give shadows and backgrounds to the painting.
At the  end, you repeat everything anew with a hardly visible dark warm tone to match the color.
Again you let it dry week.
And then the most important time begins for me. When I highlight the individual parts of the flower or leaf. The most unique thing is that the main thing here is the movement of the brush. From the center to the periphery or from the periphery to the center.

Here I made a small video of the finished work and show it to you


Where you can hang such a picture?
You ask yourself a question.
,,Everywhere ,,-is my answer.
This painting is harmonious both in the bedroom and in the hallway.
It can be hung in the salon and in the kitchen.
It is compatible both in a large hall and in a small cafe.
It simply needs to either increase in size or reduce.

April's Petrykivka Part two


Such a pattern can be decorated and clothes and utensils.
In recent years, such an ornament is very popular in everyday life.
I just remind you

Size:11”x 14”

Medium:oil on canvas

Available for purchase

You can bay through this website just click to paypall botton

#Petrykivka #helenpolishukart #artsale


Petrykivka April’s

I want to tell you how this painting was created.
I will say right away that it is not yet complete.
To begin with, I had a month to paint Petrykivka.
But a lot of things did not work out and start to spread.
I drew a big painting for the past exhibition, I drew a few small paintings in an abstract style, made out my hand-made card- invitations, did hand-made crafts for the future exhibition.
But before it, before Petyrkivka, did not reach.
And now one day, I just forced myself to take a pencil and sit in front of the canvas.
1.What will it be? Will it be a cock, a bird or a flower?
Decided that there will be a flower.
2.What color will the background be?
Decided that it would be white.
3. What color will the flowers be?
Decided that there will be yellow with a beautiful  red shade.
4. What color will the foliage?
Then I decided to play and make the leaves red, yellow, green and straw

And started.


First drew the first flower.
It should be lower and bigger than the next ones.
So I drew it in the middle of the canvas. A little higher, I drew a smaller size of two flowers with a direction in different way.
This gives to painting the development.
And in the very top painted two together a small flower.
Below added foliage.
So the basis of the picture was created.
I left it to dry for a week.

Petrykivka- April's

The second stage I drew all the flowers to create a canvas.
In flowers, I selected veins and shaded leaves.
I did the same with the leaves.
Between the leaves and flowers, I drew stems to make the flowers intertwined.

Petrykivka April's

Again gave painting to lie for a week.
I picked up and outlined new foliage and stems.
I love that the canvas is all covered with flowers.
Now I have painted the veins on flowers and foliage.
Strokes made the direction of the leaves and the stems.
Now again with greasy strokes, blocked in some places the direction of the stems.

Here is what I drawing ))


Petrykivka _April's

If you want to see how folklore paintings are created, drop to my website

Only half a month has passed, and so many events have occurred.
I went ,, April jokes,, with my theater,, Zahrava,,
If you want to see how -folklore paintings are created, drop by my website

We played humorous plays when there was a snow cyclone outside.
We were afraid that people would not come.

If you want t-o see how folklore paintings are created, drop by my website
Many people have come.
It was a very warm and cheerful event.
Snow piled up,ice paved roads.
Return to home you could just dress up your skates and go))
And this is in the middle of April ))
The weather in Toronto just pampers us….
After the performance there will be a break in the work of the theater.
But I have a very tight schedule.
I am preparing for the re-sale of paintings in the folk style and I represent my artwork on the seminar of Toronto teachers.For them I prepared invitation cards, which I show you
If you want to see how folklore paintings- are created, drop by my website
This is a list of acrylic paints on paper with a folklore style.
About how the paintings are created, I’ll talk today.
Folklore style is very popular in every country.
We are, in Ukraine, have the most famous as Petrykivka painting.
These are drawings with elements of flowers and birds.
I made a lot of paintings in this style, and now I am preparing for the exhibition, where I will show a mix of folklore with a Petrykivka in a slightly humorous style.
If you want to see how folklore paintings are created, drop by my website-
When I start working, I create an image.
For example, it will be flowers. When the shape of the flowers is defined, I put a basic color from the colors in a small sketch with a pencil.
After applying the flowers, I paint the corners of the picture, observing a small sequence-below the flowers should be large, at the top-small. They twist the branches.
The shapes of the flowers are not necessary. They are repeated. They can be different.
The branches are covered with leaves and also larger from below, above-small. Their curvature repeats the direction of the flowers.

The picture is obtained as a carpet, colored and mottled.
If you want to see how folklore -paintings are created, drop by my website
I show on the example of this picture how the images are distributed. The flowers twist the bird, but do not touch it
The bird seems to float, but this is only at the beginning of the painting.
In the final part around the bird will be denser  flowers and they will fit tightly to the bird.
The color of the picture is collected from the combined colors. Classically, it’s two colors.And…… that’s ……all.
Now …in modern style use more colors, which gives the painting a motley.
After creating an image and  drawing it, let it dry and  cover by varnish.
So you can draw on all wooden covers, on paper, on cardboard, on canvas.
I use canvas and oil paints.
Another one my favorite subject is the creation of a huge variegated folklore canvas painting.
I will show today a recently finished job.
If you want to see how folklore paintings are created, drop by my website
I created it for the last exhibition .
But this pfinting is very beautiful, fashionable and modern looks in our interior.
It is harmonious both with the classical style, and it is included in the vanguard decision.
I think this is a good decision)
If I had the opportunity, I would describe in this style the walls, furniture, clothes and decorate the premises.
When you create paintings in this style, you can not stop. I want to do a new and new painting.
The work itself is very exciting.
If you want to see how folklore paintings -are created, drop by my website
Already in the next post I will tell you about the sale and share with you my impressions.
I leave to you my social links..
If you- want to se-e how folklore paintings are created, drop by my website
Perhaps not all of you  them know.
Have a nice day!