The story about my angels

I know that I will not write anything new for you, but this story really just happened with me.
I am preparing for my exhibition 2017 year.
The exhibition will be in the Eastern Europe, in the northern city of art and beauty.

I am very worried about it.This is my first exhibition in Eastern Europe.
I’ll fly there, the catalogs are already printed there, advertising is already coming from the spring.
Because the flight from America to Europe to far, it is very difficult to carry many original paintings by air.
So I agreed with the administration that I will reproduct some of the big paintings in Europe(print in canvas) and transport large paintings by land transport throughout Europe.With myself from Canada I will take away small pictures that I will carry in hand.

So it’s easier to transportation.
Next time I’ll fly to Europe and where I’ll draw and sell or prepare for exhibitions.
It is not easy to transport paintings with air without damaging them. To roll into rolls and  carry it is idea, but the canvas can be damaged and pulling it over again takes away part of the painting.

I am sure of the quality of Canadian mail and transportation, but it is impossible to send it to the exhibition by post. I have to carry in my hands and choose sizes.
I stopped at small paintings of different styles and drew for the exhibition four paintings in size
14″ x 11″ , six in size 7″x 5″ and four in size 9″x7″.

We are talking today about small pictures of 7″ x 5″.

The story about- my angels

Painting,,Angels also get tired,,(2017)

I painted them with the image of angels.

The story- about my angels


The- story about my- angels

Painting,,Angels are also arguing,,(2017)

I published them on the site

The- story about- my angels

Painting,,Angels are also friends,,(2017)

Not passed a day, they received a lot of views and put five from six in the basket.

The- story -about my angels

Painting,,How is it there?,,(2017)
I woke up today in a two-digit state.

The- story- about my- angels

Painting,,Two angels,,(2017)
I have to draw something else again today for exhibition
and my angels fly next month in America separate.

Here is such a small amazing story that the things  what you create live a separate  life  🙂
I have very little time before flying  and not ready for exhibition  🙂 again

I am very worried and although I always treat things optimistically and positively.

I’m just nervous and worried today.I come up with new ideas for pictures in my head   🙂

 Worries -what is it …….or it is already old age 🙂  or in this state some work is created   🙂

Thanks for everything that happens in life, for difficulties and joys, for strength and pleasure.

Thanks that according to the statistics of my site,I have almost 44 thousand subscribers.

I will continue to work for you……

25 Aug 2017 Toronto



How to learn to separate necessary from unnecessary

Greetings again   🙂
This month I often wrote in a blog.
Do not think what, I’ll be silent for a few months soon 🙂
My breakthrough in communicating with you is connected with the unloading of my time and the opportunity to concentrate on the necessary.This is what will be discussed today.


How to concentrate on the main task for yourself
Why is this important to me?
Just a few years ago I learned to relax, learned instead of the words “No ,, say always” Yes,,
,,Yes,, ……….,,I’m ok,,……….. ,,Good,,
These words killed me       🙂
I stopped to talk out.
It’s hard for me to say ,, No ,,
“No, friends, your event is crap and I will stay at home, I will not go to it.
I will not do it, because I do not need it. ,,
It’s hard for me.

How to- learn to separate necessary from unnecessary

Believe me, I had to remake so much volunteer work to understand how I was cheaply exploited.
But otherwise you will not fall into the sphere where you want to.

How- to -learn to separate -necessary from unnecessary

What have I done?

A month ago I just sat on a chair and did not get up.
I wrote, painted five or ten paintings a week and did not answer calls and invitations.
I gained a little weight, my legs began to swell, I began to move a little.

I’m finishing writing the first script for a feature film.

I prepared for this year’s exhibition.
With the drawing there were complications. I started four paintings in the style of Klimt, but at some point stopped
I could not draw. I thought everything was bad and my work was just rubbish   🙁

I just finished them  today.
Finished, they dried and I am feel good.
This week I will take pictures and publish them, but I will not put them on sale on the websites.

I chose a  difficult business for myself, draw and write.


How to -learn to separate necessary -from- unnecessary

A lot of time to sit by the computer or at the table.
Believe me, it’s hard.
Therefore, for the fulfillment of my goal, I refuse all temptations and invitations.
I hope in time it will be easier and faster for me to do my work.
But for now I’m learning to separate the necessary from unnecessary and to collect useful time for myself.

But in another way I will not get what I have.
Do not get good paintings, if you do not draw regularly.
I will not get a cool story if  I do not constantly write, correct, rewrite 🙂

Now the next step is to show it to all the audience.
Do not put in the table, find buyers.
And then my legs will swell again, but already from walking       🙂




CNE 2017

Ten days left before the official end of summer
How do you spend it?
Do you have it as hot as mine?
Can we share?

If you like to fly under the clouds or at least fly at the height of pigeons…………………………….
If you like to try on everything new…………………
If you like to eat all the most unusual………………………………
If you like to walk just in a small town of toys, entertainment and attractions…………………………

If you like pest songs in the style of ,, country ,,…………………………………………….
If you just like to sit on the train and ride all the pavilions and the whole exhibition……………………
If you like watch  airshow…………………………………
If you like to look at boats and shows on the water…………………….

If you like extreme rides with diving and tumbling in the air………………………………..
If you are passionate and happy to win for a huge toy………………………
You need to visit the august’s exhibition in Toronto   CNE.


Photo :CNE

CNE-it is  the newest innovation in the northern hemisphere in the field of cosmetics and industry.
СNE-it is a demonstration of the most interesting achievements.
CNE-it’s shoes, cosmetics, clothes that have not yet hit the regular market.
CNE-it is a bunch of Canadian companies.


CNE-these are foreign companies that are climbing the Canadian market.………………..
CNE-this is a lot of entertainment for small and large………………………………..
CNE-it’s swings, carousels, bicycles and paravoziki for kids……………………………
CNE-it’s a swing, bells and whistles, attractions, air cabins, paravoziki, airplanes, a cable car for adults………………………..
CNE-it’s a 24 hour casino for adults…………………………..
CNE-these are pavilions with animals……………………………
CNE-it’s pavilions with food………………………………………

CNE-this is a great place to spend a weekend with the whole family


CNE-this is the place where you will spend everything that you took with you money.
So try to take not a lot, the temptations will be full  🙂







I first time sat and listened to,, country,, music with great pleasure.
The guys were great and the music made me dance.
Many people around me sang with musicians.

If not for the coolness of the lake, I would have stayed until midnight.
The wind began to blow and I ran home, drinking tea.

My weekend was a success.


Toronto’s summer life

If we talk about the life of Toronto in the summer, in general, in one word it means a vacation.
This city is live so that in the summer everyone tries to rest:moms with children, families, students and just men and women.

Schools are closed and camps and recreation centers are opened.
Many people leave the country, many come to the country.
Parents try to give their children as much time as possible in the summer before the next school year.

Toronto's_ summer_ life

Theaters also go on vacation until the fall.
So it happened with our Ukrainian theater, it closed until the fall.
Today I would like to talk about a very interesting trend, which was started two years ago in Toronto and popularized in all GTA.
This trend of shows and theaters performances  in parks and green areas of Toronto.

Toronto's- summe-r life

In the evening, people  who live naer parks are invited  to watch performances.
Shakespeare and other classical performances, miniatures and musical performances are shown.
Under the sky, in the evening, mini-scenes are created on the green grass.
This gives people a close connection with theaters.

Many families come with young children. And I must say that children perfectly sit out during 45 minutes of performances.
Yesterday there was one such performance on Shakespeare and I have several videos to show you how interesting and cool it is!

Being among the organizers of yesterday’s speeches, I felt sincere interest and support for such theatrical performances.


I understand that this is a very good idea.
This raises the prestige of theaters, creates an opportunity to show theatrical performances in the summer and unites the spectator with the theater.It‘s  so fine to sit on the grass in the evening and listen to beautiful melodies or watch the theatrical performances.


Another initiative of the city and the municipality is  also free,it is outdoor pools on the lake shore.
People asked me how we are entertained in Toronto in the summer on the waterfront?

Toronto'ssummer- life

Many bicycle paths along the lake along the waterfront, free toilets, free places for roasting shish kebabs and rest under canopies, free large swimming pools with daily water changes. And a boat station and free swimming lessons.

Only one restaurant with alcoholic beverages.
To drink alcohol in a recreation area is prohibited and punished with fines.

In the afternoon a mobile cafe with ice cream and sandwiches works.


In the evening people walk on the embankment and ride velobitsy, running athletes.
No music, dancing, drinking and gulaniy.Everything  is modestly and simply


I love to sign my paintings

I love- to- sign my paintings

I love to sign my paintings.This is a delight.

I love_ to_ sign my paintings

……………………….I returned to paint landscapes and drew boats among the sea.
Then I had a little color block, I added everything red. Added.Plus  :0   More     🙂
Until I got what you see.
I like it………………………………

I can remain silent for a long time in social networks.
It’s not because I have nothing to say.
I am a very hardworking person.
It means that I’m doing something.

I lov-e to sign -my paintings

                                                      ……………….Also this winter landscape was drawn among the heat and hot summer.
Do not ask, this presence is red. There is also a red color.:)……………………………….

In the course of a last  long weekend I drew more than 10 paintings.

…………………………….I touched on a topic that started a few years ago-a woman and a violin.
I got four wonderful paintings.
I today sign them with pleasure

I love_ to signmy paintings

I am very pleased with this result and I sit with pleasure and sign more  my work. 🙂
For the artist this is the coolest time of creating a picture.
To sign your work is to finish it.
It means that I agree with everything that is painted there, with light, color, contrast and plot.

I lovetosign my paintings

What I am showing today is not everything. What have I done.
Very interesting stories appeared in my head. They revolve around the works of the artist Gustav Klimt


I_ love_ to sign my paintings


………………..In the favorite I have the latest contrasting drawings of the modern style…………………..

You will see my work very soon.
And right now I just sit and enjoy.
I sign my work with pleasure.

I love_ tosign_ my paintings

I liked working with red.
This color revived my paintings.
They began to burn in canvas.
I will continue to create this color.


I_ love_ to _sign my paintings
…………….I liked drawing faces.
The truth is, they do not always work for me in the model way, as you would like.
But who else can draw so awfully,, Sleeping,, like me?……………………..

Ilove tosignmypaintings

I published all the work on my website.
Only some of them I put on  sale on the and

I- love to sign- my paintings

How is it so good to sit like this,to drink coffee and put the signature on already born paintings.




Analysis of my site

I will begin to analyze my site openly and objectively.


For two years I have changed due to work on my site
I really love this work.
I started with the idea of making a gallery for my artwork.
I created a website where visitors can see my work and buy them, and there is a connection with me.
Unfortunately they contact me through the mail only bots, which I clean every day and drive into spam.
Working with the site learn me how to photograph my painting correctly.
I dreamed that visitors will buy work through the site, because my account is connected.
But visitors are afraid to do it.
I read a lot and understand that this is a disease and the problem of all artists who have personal websites.
I am grateful that I still have letters. I read each letter before I send it to the basket.
So I am very grateful to those rare comments, like this:

Thank you.
I will continue to work.
I want to note that I was not at all desperate that my paintings are not sold on my website and started selling paintings through other sites.
I chose several.
Only working with them, I began to determine which painting  publish and what is interesting, and what is not.

Now I’m going to open new accounts in the next months and expand sales.
I believe that it is very beneficial for a creative person to work through the Internet.
Exhibitions distract and tire.
Exhibitions take time.
It’s contacts, but often the loss.
At this time it’s just a show and for an artist this is an entertainment.

A little about the quality and style of drawing.
I try a lot and experiment
But I’m still working with oil on canvas


analysis of my site

I work with acrylic, it’s hard for me.
I feel it .
So I stay working in oil on canvas.
I experimented a lot with styles. I painted landscapes, portraits, created 3D panel paintings and today I returned to the beginning of this period(2014-2015).
An image of a woman ,silhouetted  a woman.It close to me.
I will continue to paint landscapes.
And this will be a big size paintings.
But I have so many  ideas to draw a female image.

I will continue to create my own collection of Petrikiv paintings.
My goal is to create such an amount to make a very beautiful exhibition of them.

I understood one wisdom.
It is not necessary to pursue popularity.
Much more expensive-to keep your style and manner of drawing.
And at exhibitions the main thing is not the quality of your paintings , but a beautiful frame and the ability to properly decorate the part of the hall assigned to you.



Summer, summer ,summer.
And I try to rest.
My son gives me a bicycle.
In the Toronto between the parks there are  bike paths.
It is practical and healthy.
So you can go around a lot of places.
I’m doing it.
On the main page of this website I put a video,where I ride a bike.

I noticed that I do not publish my photos and videos a lot.
I will do it more.

I wish you good warm summer days and wonderful mood.













Do you like to read stories?
I will not wait for an answer, I am writing to you the story of one of my paintings with all its incidents and events ,which happened to it.
First, I created a theme. The topic was a naked woman emerging from the water.
For this image, I took my photo, changing it in a special program for photos.
I liked the idea, I caught on to it very much and quickly sketched the sketch and the picture itself.

When I burn with energy, nothing can stop me.
It’s a pity that age reminds myself and six hours of continuous sitting behind a drawing floats out into very swollen feet.I am old.Yes,I am.
I’m already getting old. So I’m in a hurry, that’s why I’m open, that’s why I do what I can and I want.
I sketched a sketch and quickly drew a picture and upload at Artfinder and Saatchi.

That’s how its looked.I named ,,Naked,,


For a whole month I was busy with work and did not watch the sites.

I came home hungry and tired, ate and went to bed.
The next day I ran early  away  and it’s continued for a month.
At the end of the month, before the shooting, I was in the city for several days from morning to night.
Once I wore uncomfortable shoes, and I had to go to the store and buy sandals during the break, between the work.

The month of June is over and I thank,that month passed.
When I became free, I looked at the site. My sites were dead. No views, no purchases. No likes.
I looked at the picture, the last one.
I love her. What I see in her, maybe I can not see anyone else. In her idea:
,,A woman ,who emerged from the water,,. I managed to pass a second.
But it turned out to be an extraordinary
When people came to me, they asked me, standing at this picture:
-What is it?
They did not understand, they did not see what I saw in this picture.
I explained to them that it was a naked girl, emerged from the water.
They stood, smiled, looked and spoke:
-It’s still not clear…..
One day,when the paints on the canvas dried up, I took the brush in my hands and began to add shades and layers of oil paint.
I drew with such inspiration and passion that I had a dream that I saw.
The painting revived and shone in a new light.
main image1small
I changed the  main photo on the pages of Artfinder and Saatchi.
Called the picture,,The Survival.”
And wrote a little story about her in the forum in Artfinder.
For the end of day I had a lot of views and even one from UK postponed the painting to buy.
I’m satisfied, I went to bed.
The next day I thought that this painting is very expensive and important to me. I prepared all my sites together and put everywhere one price-1800 dollars. I had to change the price on an Artfinder from 1300 to 1800.
And my client changed his mind.
But the painting remained with me  🙂
And here I was thinking of creating a series of paintings of this size, kind and theme.
I will soon go to the exhibition and I need a topic. So this is the topic.
My ” The Survival,” survived.

Go through the many of galleries I now and I see many artists create something that is fashionable and bought quickly.

But I always stop in front of the paintings that has a theme.
Fashion goes through:deer, owls and horses, blue or blue or golden. Create a theme for them- is another,its right,its theme.
My painting live.
And let my ,,The Survival,, open his throat.People say it’s an open throat, it’s looks on the female vulva.
Whatever was like my painting, it’s unusual.
And I loves my painting, and she really hates me. My ,,The Survival,,
That’s my small story about my new painting.



Montgomery’s Inn

The celebration of the 150th anniversary of the formation of Canada come to the ending  and I will calmly tell about some events of the past weekend.
Firstly, I was celebrating understanding, I will not live so much  🙂

Celebrate in a big way only newcomers,with noisy companies and fireworks.
The Canadians preferred to escape from Toronto for the weekend, to surrender to the mosquitoes in the campings, or to fly to more hot places or an island near.

Today I will tell you about my favorite place in Etobicoke.
This weekend it was open for visitors.It is Montgomery’s Inn.

This is the smell and style of the 18th century.This is an extraordinary spirit, located in an old house, thanks to the  still living there old women from Montgomery’s dynasty.


The house is located near my house and I happily visit it, walking through the park.
Go from the subway,, Islington ,,through the park to the north only 500 m, the second traffic light on the right and you are on the spot.
This year, for the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Canada, the Montgomery’s Inn was opened.

Two dozen volunteers helped create the comfort of the 18th century.

Montgomery's Inn
On the terrace was a small mini-restaurant where you could have a small lunch.


The building consists of three floors.
The main floor is divided into two parts. One for guests and tourists. The second is a kitchen, a fireplace, a living room and a refectory

In the kitchen, volunteers in ancient dresses cooked biscuits and prepare it according to old recipes.

montgomery volunteers
Cookies, baked on charcoal, in a large fireplace on a special shovel.
We immediately tested them.


cake montgomery

Near the volunteer set up a picnic set  of 1867.

montgomery picnic

She referred to descriptions from the book she presented to us.

book montgomery

In the next room there is a bar and a place where you can have fun, play cards or…..


If you want to take a photo in this cozy bar of the 18th century, ask the volunteers and they will organize it for you.

… I’ll show you this ancient game, I do not know what it’s called, it’s like our “towns,” or bowling
You throw a suspended ball and you need to knock down as many balls as possible. The one who shoots down the most.

From the kitchen through the corridor the staircase raises to the second floor, where the bedrooms and social room.

candel space montgomery's inn

I drew attention to the unusual ledges above each door on the top floor.
This is the place where the candles were placed.
This place is protected from wind and drafts and illuminated the room.

Here is an example of decorating a room! A great idea that the current architects have forgotten.
It is also reliability and protection from fire. The higher the flame is raised, the safer it is from the fire.
candels montgomery's inn place


Was it cold to sleep on such beds?

bed montgomery's inn

Yes, it was very cold.
Probably that’s why a bed of this size, and three people slept on it.
A small bed was reduced by three people so that they warmed themselves 🙂
There was a fireplace in the room, but there was not enough firewood until morning and in the morning a person quickly dressed and lit a fireplace. As a rule, this was done by a husband or a servant in the lower floors.

The mistress of the house was very affable and caring woman, but she lived 48 years and died.
By our standards, it’s early.
But in those days, it was the average age of a person’s life.
There was no medicine or medical care.
On the windowsill you will see in the photo a set of vials-these are bottles with tinctures. They were primitive medicines that were used at that time

Next to the decanter and a bowl of pottery.
In the morning they did not leave the room, but washed right there.
And the linen was dried in winter on special wooden hangers, putting them near the fireplace to warm up.
Washing clothes was a problem for Canadians with such severe winters.
It was very hard to wash large bed sheets and duvet covers. It was even more difficult to dry them.
Because this was assigned to the rooms at the bottom of the house and in the warm season was prepared in advance
The bed sheets were kept near the fireplaces in the heat and smelled of burnt wood.
montgomery's inn slider
I was intrigued by this photo
What is it?
This is  for shoes ,,take  off,,   🙂
Shoes did not take off before and carried a whole day, until night.
Because it was cumbersome and that it was easy to remove, become a back to this device and a bottom-up movement, took off boots.
Of course and immediately to sleep, on the bed.(СOLD!!!!)
Because it stood near the bed.
By the way, all things were stored in such small chests near the bed in the legs (see in the photo).
Go further from the hostess’s room to the servant’s room or children room.
The first thing that catches your eye is the pot under the bed.
pot montgomery's inn
Yes, in the old days there were no toilets.
Or be patient until the morning or under the bed!   🙂
The room has a lot of beds and one caught my attention.
This is the bed of a newcomer. 🙂
Beside him’s bed lies his trunk. With such trunks or suitcases, people moved from country to country or from city to city.
trunk montgomery's inn
On this trunk is written # 5.
This means that they, these trunks were many and it goes under number 5.
Emigrants used to move heavily and often did not return back to their country.
trunk inn
Here this wooden suitcase arrived in that year (1837) with his passenger (his name) through New York in the number of luggage and was the fifth in the luggage of his master.
Incredibly! Preserved, preserved!
More years to this chest than Canada itself !!
Next guest room
It is modest and decorated with all necessary.
bed for guest
Next room is social room.
social room
Yes, yes, yes, you were not mistaken.
There were some rooms and they actively discussed all the cases and planned future events
As we are, modern people are behind our ancestors!
Because we are in our small rooms we catch TVs and turn off all social communication.
The room is large, spacious with a fireplace and a table where you can negotiate and sign treaties and agreements.
candels spot in social room
Again everywhere above the windows a place for candles.
This room was well lit.
It was important.
Next I’ll tell why I paid attention to it.
loads room
We go to the floor downstairs in the part of the house where the people who came to spend the night, the guests
There are close and low ceilings and dark.
And under the windows there are no candels space under the windows or doors.
I asked, how do they light these rooms? Me replied that here people  just slept( more often drunk) and  come held candles in their hands. Since there was not enough room in the room and different people, for safety reasons they did it.
guests first floor room
Several rooms are divided into services
There are only two people more expensive, and there are for a few, cheaper. If they paid the rooms they were heated. If they did not pay, they spent the night without heating
So looked by our standards, the most expensive room for one person with all the services and warm.Sleep here could and two people together.Under the bottom is a place for a child.
Going down to the next floor bump into the inscription on the wall.
This inscription has its own story.
Montgomery’s Inn built in 1830 as a Georgian-style inn and as house was rented to tenant farmers by the Montgomery family until 1946.It was later owned by a Presbyterian church and finally transferred as museum to the City of Toronto.
sign montgomery

The history of this sign is such that one of the new owners took all the old clothes out of the house and did not like this sign, “Montgomery”.
He threw it into the garbage along with the things of the owner of the house.
One of the neighbors saw it and took it and keeped it over to the old masters of the house, Montgomery’s .
They gratefully saved it and when the house came to life again, hung this sign on this wall.

Here is such a short story with a short excursion into the 18th century, for which I thank the Montgomery’s Museum.
I promised to tell  about you  and I did it.

If you?my readers, are interested in this house, then it is located at the address:
4709 Dundas Street West



The Past Month

It’s  always hard to write about what happens to you.My past month was very active.And I THANK for everything what happens with me in June 2017.

The Past Month

I went through five festivals in a row, and I sustained their intensity.
It’s harder than just working.
Summarizing, I will say that they are very different and can not be compared.


Some events were followed by others.
I’m very tired this month.
There were many interesting discoveries, such as the extraordinary beautiful Scarborough became for me with interesting streets near the waterfront, the promenade itself with gorgeous sandy beaches and numerous parks.

I am amazed by the friendliness, hospitality and friendliness of people in Scarborough.
This is ridiculous, but for each inhabitant of this district there are two dogs.
Imagine, evening, walks the hosts with their pets. Everyone has one, two. And the owner and pet proudly walk. In the cars next to the owner or in the back seat is a huge dog.
It’s fine!
Another happened to me an intendant
.I handed out flyers and invited to watch the movie in Scarborough Civil Centre near the subway.

I approached the passers-by, often the Chinese and gave them a flyer.
The answer was:
-I do not know English. I do not speak English!
It was amazing to me. They walk, live in modern apartments, pay rent, pay high bills and do not know the language.
For me it was a shock.

My second discovery was #Luminato 2017.I know that a few years ago this festival was created by a fanatically loving art woman.
This festival is now the most striking event of the summer.
Not only actors, artists or creators are invited to it, it is a mix of the most modern trend in art.


The right choice of teams gives us, the viewers a full picture of the changes in all areas of art.
And so it’s great to see the  best groups,artists on the stage of this festival.

I enjoyed the performances of two Italian clowns, who for an hour held the audience, fascinating them with very simple stunt tricks.

I listened to the lyrics of a very interesting song #Simpson


Then I immediately got to the Aboriginal Festival, and then wonderful things began to happen to me.
I just remembered that a year ago I was in Fort York and dreamed of working here.
And a year passed, and I am among the assistants at this festival.

I spent three days in a team where everything was so hormonal. Thanks to its organizer Gabi.

Through our tent passed up to a thousand schoolchildren. Here Fort York ran in our masks, with flags and first aid bags.


And nearby there were other performans,very similar to our day of Ivan Kupala. By the way, this holiday was held on the most active day of the year, the day of solar fullness.

Whether from the amaizing team,or from the sun, or from children, I came home charged and very active, although I stood in the rain and did not rest for nearly 6 hours in a row.

I spent two days in the act…ART in the PARK.

It’s different representations, activities and activities in various parks of the city.
This is a new direction. Even younger.

And if I liked Etobicoke’s park activity, where Mayor of Etobicoke came, conducted the orchestra, where a lot of people were sitting on the grass and listening to beautiful music,….. then the second one, in a tiny park under high-voltage wires, I did not like
.I did not like North York activity in the park,becouse was not interested in the activity itself.
Drumming into the drums is still nothing. But bring the wool and weave on the street in the tent, litter. Bind the trees with threads …
Maybe I did not get to this level of grounding, but I understand that this is garbage.

And if this is a woman’s development, it should not be done in nature,should be in class, indoors.
But it was. I leave photo about it.

And that’s not it!!!!!
I was a film filming, a wonderful team, a magnificent Allen, two madly crazy days spent together.
I worked for the first time as assistant director, second director, #AD.
I wrote a shooting list and call list.
I did not work as a AD before, for me it was the first time.It was fun.


……….Armed with the knowledge of my specialty, I have to shout at the trial and watch everything, I came …
Imagine me, not liking the noise at all, never raising my voice at anyone, and shouting !!!!!🙂
……….All turn around……..
I’m screaming:

Everyone was silent, turned to me.
And I’m quiet. 🙂
                     – Acting!!!!
And the director to me (Allen):
-Please, be silent, do not speake, be silent………………
For me it was a lesson.
The difference between Ukrainiane and Canadian in the filming process.

Here was such a busy last month.
Because I was silent on this page.
Because I stopped in drawing.
Now I’m catching up to everything.



,,The past month has driven me to the up of the roof of my dreams.
Please, just do not fall.,,  (Helen Polishuk) July 2017



One day off between festivals

So we are already in June.
Today is just such a time ,when one festival has already ended (Inside Out) and the second one has not yet begun(Scarborough).

Between two

One day off between festivals

It’s hard to describe yet the feelings of last festival.
Before the eyes of the petty-bourgeois, that the mixed feeling of understanding of everything.

I really liked the film about the singer Chavela.

This is documentary chronicles singer Chavela Vargas’s turbulen life.

Dramatic life randing from an affair with Frida Kahlo to Vergas’s stuggles with alcoholism and violence.Archival footage of performances and interviews with Chavela herself,her directors Catherina Gund and Daresha Kyi describe about a decidedly complicated women,an irreplaceable artistic force and lesbian icon whose voice manifests hearbreak,defiance and ultimate triumph.

I second time faced with the this singer and her history .
For the first time, it was 2012, the summer when she died.
I found out about her death in Facebook and listened to her songs.And posted in my page video with her.
I was struck by her deep head and manner of singing songs.
I spent the whole day listening to some of them on video and peering into the face of an old singer in a pancho with gray hair and a manlike look.
I remembered it.
And here again meeting in it……



The next unforgettable film was a film ,,A Million Happy Nows,,.

Canadian Premiere

Carier of famous soap operas actress Lainey Allen(Chappell) has came to end,just she won a Daytime Emmy.

Allen retiers and with her publicis and partner Eva Morales heads to a beach house on the California coast.

Their dream life has barely begun when a diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer’s sets them on a new and unexpected



The terrible truth about the disease makes everyone feel bad.

The film is the best film of this festival.
Spectators applauded standing and I cried.
I realized in a new way how difficult this disease is and how difficult it is for the family to cope with it.
Very beautiful filming and I was surprised that the director was talking about inexpensive funding, based on the fact that there are few locations.

One-day -off -between -festivals




The truth of modern life says:
Live for today
Appreciate today



The next festival will be Scarborough Film Festivale from 6 to 11 June.

I’m waiting for it with impatience and I will tell about it on my page too.

Movies…….. movies…….. movies……….

One_ day_ off_ between_ festivals

Frames, beautiful shooting, dramatic plot-all this is related to my work