about second april April 2, 2016April 2, 2016 Helen Polishuk I find it hard to stop drawing just finished drawing……… looked,…….. revered albums,…… found the subject and started up …. doing multiple copies I ask you to leave me your comments after views my site THANK YOU
Untitled April 1, 2016April 1, 2016 Helen Polishuk Sometimes everything is interesting develops ….. A call in the morning, and took two of my works for the exhibition and sale…. Like my musicians. They already almost gone.
Untitled April 1, 2016April 1, 2016 Helen Polishuk чтобы сломать человека,надо ослепить его надеждой а затем разбить его о правду To break a person, it is necessary to dazzle him with hope and then break it down to the truth These paintings go up for auction on April 10.
Untitled March 31, 2016March 31, 2016 Helen Polishuk ты это тот,кем ты решил быть сейчас и более никто You is the one whom you have decided to be now, and no one else
Untitled March 29, 2016April 2, 2016 Helen Polishuk ….….On Spring Street……. ………all wakes…….. ……………….perfectly...
Untitled March 29, 2016March 29, 2016 Helen Polishuk Whatever the color of the picture is not painted, life makes it black and white
Untitled March 23, 2016April 2, 2016 Helen Polishuk я есть…..я живу…. и с этим надо жить всем вокруг …I am ….I live understand it all around