Thank you for waiting for my publications in blog.
It is very difficult to write on the road .
And it’s nice to see 2760 unread mails on the blog after a 1.5-month break.
I’m slowly re-reading them all and will answer as far as possible.
Thank you for suggestions for cooperation and useful links what you share to me.
I will take into account all your suggestions.
They became very interesting. I will use and analytics of the site to improve it and sources.
Your opinion is very important for me.
Please,do again.
Yes,my blog is practical more than artistic.Thank you Annetta for filling that.I told a year ago how I started creating my website. It was absolutely new for me.
I tried to find my own business, which would be interesting to me.That year I did not imagine that I could write in English, becаuse my assessment in the Toronto language school was average.
But I wanted to overcome this fear.
I started writing by a small sentences .
I’m not trying to correct the mistakes of those first posts. On the contrary, they show how I have changed.
Just read my first blog posts and you will receive this confirmation.
I had a goal to convey to you,my audience, my understanding of what is happening to me and around me.
And it seems to me that I have reached the goal
Your letters say that you understand how I delicately convey the events and how I correctly notice the details.
You learn from my blogs, see them useful and useful.
I’m glad to see you and thank you for this.
…….,,Whats up! Exceptional blog! I favor the method
reviewed How to learn to separate necessary from unnecessary -.
Many thanks until this well-arranged document relating to How to learn to separate necessary from unnecessary -!
Available on the market I have been on the search for.,,………………..
Thanks for such praises in my address.
I will continue to work for you.
Many people write to me, who are just starting to open their blog. They ask questions about coding in the websites.
I answer:I’m not a programmer. I never studied programming and did not try.
Everything I do, I just read. I ask people around me and use the platform WORDPRESS.
This is not advertising. …..and not advice.:))
It’s really what I’m doing.
If you have any advice for me, send me,please.
I read all the letters that come to me.
I will try to further excite you with my new publications.
Have a good rest and best wishes from me……………………………………..