Happy New Year

I’m glad to announce that the site was updated after the site crashed and I can again publish my news and talk about my work.

If before the crash of the site I wanted to inform you about some of my news, then you gave me so much power that I’ll just bombard you with news .

And thank you for learning how to kill information on my site. Don’t think that training only teaches you. Here such strength grows from such problems, you only make us professionals and experienced erudite specialists.

I won’t write where it came from, I already know that. By the way, here’s another interesting example for today. It turns out that flash drives created in China also have an expiration date. And there are specialists who can restore them.

If such an attack had not happened and the virus had not touched the flash drive with very important information, then I would not have become so experienced. It turns out that there are now viruses that know the drivers of flash drives created in China. Especially… hmm… old ones.

And if working for them, downloading a picture from the Internet, for example, a virus gets in, it attacks the flash drive driver and the flash drive stops working. The flash drive, not the documents. The documents remain intact.

And the hackers have data about the flash drives. For example, Lexor as in the photo.

Photo where I show you my lasy work ,,Funny city” ?more you can find on fb:Helenpolishuk.com when I spaek with lot of bots))

In order to open a flash drive and leave the information on it intact, you need to change the driver of the flash drive, and for this you need to know the old driver. This information is not publicly available. So, be careful, my dears, and if you are working on some kind of document before you have completed the work, do not transfer the data to the archive disk, otherwise it will be an ass. Happy New Year everyone! Happy Chinese New Year! Fantasize, create problems. How can we live without them?

The ending of the year

I want to thank everyone who is interested and reading this post now.

Thank you, friends, for being there.
This year there were many interesting events related to my artistic activities.
I didn’t always have time to report this, and sometimes I was deliberately silent, because I don’t like to discuss , but the year is ending and I’m pleased to resume.

At the beginning of the year, a jury selected my work to make a banner in the city of Pickering near Toronto and now my composition adorns the main street of the city.
When I created the banner, I used a composition of the wave or element symbol, which is inherent in the image used in the First Nation in combination with the popular Petrykivka style, Ukrainian traditional style.

I am very pleased with this decision in the style of color. Since the element of water is blue and the city of Pickering is located on Lake Ontario. The flowers depicted on the banner speak of an earthly image.
Below is the banner Water Element’s image:

Later, in the summer, I returned to this image and, creating a collection in the Petrykivka style, I depicted this composition on wood again.

Autumn gave me my dream and I flew out of media life for a month and took up icon painting. While teaching lessons, I not only had students, but I myself went through and updated my knowledge. This is how my icons appeared.

A huge incentive for me was the result of the jury, which selected my two works in Petrykivka style for the exhibition Roots, which will open in January 2024 in Toronto.

When I sit down to create a painting, I first of all study my previous works. So, this beautiful painting was created, which is dedicated to my beloved Lvov

And absolutely new two large decorative paintings.These are memories of summer, sun, warmth and flowers, happiness and love. Large butterfly on canvas, made in a mix techniques and creating an extraordinary atmosphere of freshness and joy.

I would like to wish you, my readers, a good next year, health and prosperity to you and your families.

Merry Christmas!

Helen Polishuk

Creativity.Step One.Beginning.Naivity

A simple story, similar to many stories.

There was a girl, she drew.
And here’s how this girl entered the group of the best artists of Ukraine since 2022, how she became an artist. This is a series of films about Helen Polishchuk. Follow the link right now

Film about Helen Polishuk


I’ll answer your questions today

Why have you been silent lately and rarely write posts?

-It’s true, I’m working less on my website. I have a lot of work now, which doesn’t give me time to maintain the site.
Today they wrote to me that they offer help in managing my accounts and raising my rating. This is all good, but I don’t agree with the prices, they are very expensive.

Where are your paintings sold?

-My paintings are exhibited in several prestigious Internet sites, such as Saachi.com


and Artmajeur.com


Literally today I updated the information there and added new paintings.

What do you have planned?

-I am pleased to announce that I am participating in the auction and selling my works (hand-painted Christmas tree balls).There will be a new exhibition in November with Art Etobicoke.And something completely new for me – I become a mentor and teacher and give the first lessons in icon painting for children 12-16 years old. These lessons will be held at the church at the end of November. In the last week of November, another big event will take place – I will be visiting Bradford, a city in northern Ontario, with an exhibition of photographs.

Are you still making videos?

_Yes. The new work will be released at the end of the year and it will be a short film.

What new pictures have you painted this year?

-The year has been difficult for me and although it is already coming to an end, I have just started painting. It should be noted that I am continuing the Petrykivka series and three more have been added to the 54 paintings already. This is what I have, and also my works in the Petrykivka style many acquaintances and friends already have in collections.This sumer I

presented a collection in the Petrykivka style and you saw some of the works in the previous post. These included painted panels and plates, acrylic-painted chests, wooden boards, created all sorts of painted wall products, Christmas tree decorations, and even tried to paint a woman’s bag in the same style. This style is very fashionable and popular in Mexico, where I just returned from and it is, I must say, not cheap. There are still some ideas in the project. I will put everything on the Internet and perhaps on this page too.
I have a Facebook page on which I publish new works more actively than here.


What new works have you created?

-I’ll show you my last three works today


Modern drawing made in the style of Petrykivka painting by Natalia Stasiv-Garko

It may seem that time is unchanged. More than six months have passed since the last publication. During this time, many events have passed that can be packaged in one word – change.
The Chinese, when they want to wish something bad, say that you should live during changes. They make sense because this is the most uncertain time, which slows down any planning, postpones things indefinitely, interferes with meetings and postpones events. But what to do, when this happened to you.
Therefore, I will briefly summarize my post.

I’m sure many people have found themselves in this state.
Today I am only talking about the present tense.
The large collection of wood paintings I created in the traditional Ukrainian style was shown in August and had both positive and negative responses. I may return to the positive ones, but I’ll dwell on the negative ones in more detail.
This is my first time painting on wood. I have not done this before. If we approach the creation of the project technically, then its goal was to create mutually complementary objects that together would create the same composition.

Composition of the drawing, completed in Petrykivka style and presented for teaching drawing techniques in a book about Petrykivka painting

The critics felt that I did not perform the traditional Ukrainian Petrikovsky painting correctly, or to put it differently, in an original way. Well, although these critics do not know how to draw and have a superficial understanding, they decided to consider me a failure.
I am not defending myself and I am not going to argue. But thanks to the first women (Petrikovsky painting is known for the fact that the first women who mastered it were women who painted the walls of their houses) who painted cockerels, birds and flowers in an absolutely free style and decorated their houses with them, we now have a whole galaxy of artists of this style. If you look at the works of each of them, they are very different and they have in common the creation of a composition around several symbols.

One of the founders of Petrykivka painting in Ukraine Maria Prymachenko

Years have passed and this style, thanks to modern graphic programs, has reached absolute perfection. Moreover, many schools and courses have appeared that are ready to teach you this skill for your money.
And yet, based on primary sources, I would advise you to remain tied to the three fundamentals of this painting – creativity, composition around symbols and image technique.

One of the famous paintings created by Maria Primachenko

That’s why I wished and wish today to everyone who is fighting for something, look at the primary sources and add your creativity – you will succeed.

Another painting by Maria Prymachenko, the founder of Petrykivka painting

The most interesting thing in learning any folk painting is mastering the principles.
Although I will now be criticized again, the founders of this type of painting did not interconnect the composition; many objects of the composition were, as it were, separated. If you look at photographs of one of the first creators of this type of painting, you can see how stamping, the creation of separate drawings, which are located one next to the other.

Modern apartment decor in Petrykivka style

Two centuries ago, the goal for artists was to create a drawing that would create coziness in the room, protect it and harmonize with everyday life. Therefore, cheerful roosters and hens, wonderful bright princes with colorful plumage and long multi-colored tails, flowers of unusual shapes and color harmony appeared on the walls.

It was rural folklore, the art of the country people who decorated their homes.
And today, Ukrainian artists have supplemented and improved it and created masterpiece collections of paintings, introducing this type of art into the traditional Ukrainian folk art.
I’ll return to my collection. Drawing on wood requires its own skill. Technically, this is a more long-term work, and I was also required to create compositions on two chests, several kitchen boards, kitchen wooden shelves, souvenir wooden houses, Christmas tree decorations and sections of wood. I also tried painting on bags.

Photo from exhibition where was present my new collection.

I liked the combination of animals with modern elements. I took the cat as a symbol on the bag. That’s why I received criticism.

Another part of the collection among the exhibits on display

I’ll wait until the passion to ruin someone subsides and all this settles down and still, I’ll remain silent.
Someone else criticized that I was too confident in myself.
Friends, no. I hid, broke all my brushes, threw away the paints and am sitting waiting for something else to come to me.
I would like your problems.
Today I have donated several works to auctions and I believe that they will be useful.
Tomorrow is not predictable for me, I will say one thing – only those who do not do and do not create are not mistaken.
And I am again full of news and ideas, which I will tell you about in the next post.
All the best

Radical Stitch and Radical Design Hamilton

March 23,2023 in Hamilton was Radical Stitch &Radical Design in Art Gallery Hamilton 123 King Street West,Hamilton .


Jason Baerg @jasonbaerg

Angela DeMontigny @angelademontigny

Dusty LeGrande/ Mobilize

Evan Ducharme @evanducharmestudio

Special guest DJ Kyle Joedicke @kylejoedickart

This was great collaboration with Woodland Cultural Centre .

This event was showcased Indigenous fashion designers from across Turtle Island and featuring models from the Six Nations of the Grand River Community


The sale of paintings on this website begins.

You can do it now by going to the OTHER WORK section, choosing your favorite Abstract, Ukrainian motifs or Landscapes section and buying through PayPal by clicking on the button under the picture you like.

You will get 10 percent reduction using this method.

Buying directly from the artist

Take the opportunity to get more.

After receiving payment, you will be contacted and the parcel will be processed. Parcels are carried out both within Canada and abroad using Canada Post.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions

Also on https://www.facebook.com/helenpolishukart


I am very glad to get a few minutes again and write little, share with you my news.
I am now in a state where all kinds of my creative activities are involved. Here is the creation of video films and the script for a future film, and the editing of an already created film and coordination, and planning the next step in community service and new acquaintances, and preparing for voting for an Oscar 2023 and….hmm…. There will be heavy snow tomorrow, another one in March.How much more?
That’s all?
No, I still regularly do household chores, from which no woman will run away.
And I’m getting ready for a big concert, which will be at the end of May. That’s all for now. Secret. I’ll tell you the rest as the month approaches.
But for now the main thing for you.

The last work, which has already been sent to the competition, SHEVCHENKO UNITES NATIONS ,,.
Today, March 9, is the birthday that every Ukrainian knows. This is the birthday of Taras Grigoryevich Shevchenko.
An outstanding poet, writer, bart and artist. His name has remained in the culture of Ukraine as one of the most prominent cultural figures, whose works give us strength and teach entire generations of Ukrainians.
Today he is known and respected not only in Ukraine, he is taught, his works are read by all the people of the planet.
For you, the performance of Mominul Hoque, the Ukrainian Cossack Sirius from Cherkasy.