
I took up the study of mathematics.headache…..This I have to pass the test.Every day, new formulas and repetition of old exercisesI get up in the morning with motivation .. I understand this formula and pass it..when the head stops to think I drink coffeespread out mat exercises and I do exercise..take rest ..and again the formula, calculations, numbers ….to completely relax, I will watch the movie ..,, 11-C4D186FC-35428-960The clock .,,

I’m back

IMAG2237I was silent for few month.Before the end of the year it is necessary to sum up……..Year has been an interesting and multifaceted.I opened the site and have a blog.I have a family chihuahua.I prepared for the own gallery.I worked in a crew,we are shooted the movie.I continue to learn English and two-parallel object.

I collected a lot of plans for the next year…