I often pass by this church. St.George’s-on-the-Hill.This is my neighborhood, this is the history of my city.
Only today for the first time I was able to look into and get to know her history closer.

This church stands high on the mountain (hence the name) and is distinguished by a high spire and very unusual architecture.
In 1844 land was given by William Gamble,owner of the grist mill on the banks of the Humber River.
Toronto have a lot interesting architectural buildings, including the unique buildings of churches.
St.Geogre’s-on-the-Hill church built by William Tyrell in 1844 with large windows and spire with tin sides.
In 1847 the RT.Rev’d John Strachan,Bishop of Toronto,dedicated the building on October 17.
In 1865 Bishop Strachan dedicated the baptismal font,which is St.George’s oldest memorial.
Over the back wall of the entrance door a tapestry with the image of St. George .
The church is named him.
It depicts St. George, who kills the dragon.Very unusual image that I see for the first time.
Next to it is a small painting that shows how the church was originally
The church was very small and later was expanded, rebuilt and added side walls.
It is a small but very unique church by stained glass windows.
At the entrance on the left and on the right, beautiful stained glass windows tell about the life of Jesus.
There are also scenes from the life of Christ.
These are very beautiful stained glass windows. They are made with a special pigment. Were recently restored.
In the central part of church,in main part, instead of the altar, also,stained glass.
In 1976 The Four Seasons window in the chancel was given in memory of Elizabeth Holdsworth.The brass chancel railings were given in memory of Phyllis Goudge.
In 1996 The Christmas window in the west entrance was given in thanksgiving by Lorne and Ellen Matheson.
In 1998 The Nazareth window in west entrance was given in memory of Walter and jessie Goode
A Casavant Freres organ was installed in 1973 and in 2015 was refurbished,the metal screens were removed and new oboe stop installed,enhancing the sound of the organ.
In 1847 two acres of land were purchased for a cemetery.This was dedicated by Bishop Stratchan.
If you look at the inscription on this monument, then there is a raised finger.
The St.George cemetery is old.
From pioneer days to present,the cemetery has seen approximately 4000 burials.During the last 25 years,cremations have become increasingly common
This year St.George’s-on-the-Hill church in Etobicoke is first open for viewing in the Door Open may 25&26 2019