Connecting connectable

Connecting connectable (6)

My favorite month  May changes to summer month June….
How fast time is running.
I do not have time for  …  creation….
This is probably quite natural for creative people
Now it is especially pleasant for me to be conscious of it, and it is especially hard for everything that I create to join together.
Connecting the connectable — you already feel in my post that I have a writer’s mood today.

Yes ,you are not mistaken.
For more than a month now, I continue to work in a team of beautiful two men, creating a  script for film that takes place during World War II.
I can not describe you much now, it’s still under work.
I can only say that I am very pleased to work in such a company.
I get great pleasure from work.
In parallel, I take courses screenwriter.
That’s just to give them a lot of time I can’t.
Connecting connectable (2)
A lot of visual  details I have to decide now in the process of creating a movie script.
I will not explain  you that this visual work is more than artistic.
But they are very dependent one on another.
 Connecting connectable (3)

It is like a dance. I take a step and stop.
I turn my torso and hold so as not to fall….

Five scripts have already gathered in my archive .For me it’s not enough.
 But I have to combine this pleasant work with a no less pleasant second my work.
You know that I am a great artist and of course you expect news from the arts from me.

I was invited to participate in the exhibition,which will be held in the summer.
I refused.
I do not agree to invest in a losing product.
Before offering myself to the galleries of Prague and Vienna, I arrived there and walked around some of the most expensive galleries.
I came there at the height of the day, when there are many tourists.
But I did not find visitors.
Modernity has changed a lot. Internet and social networks killed commercial painting.
Artists moved to virtual networks and they can (like me) find, view their work, buy them through their personal sites.
Our dating is now also virtual.

Exhibiting in ordinary galleries is difficult, since a lot of finances are spent on preparation.
I refused, but they persuaded me and even took several of my paintings.
And here I had to combine both of my works.
It, believe mt, very difficult.
If with one i’m doing it like dancing, then with the second everything looks like childbirth, I give birth.
This picture clearly shows this process.
Connecting connectable (4)
Giving birth to an idea and putting it on canvas.
 In the following posts I will tell you about the exhibition.
Now I just emphasize, as I said at the beginning of the post:
,, Connect connectable,,
Connecting connectable
If you want to follow more of my news, subscribe to my Instagram. @polishukelena
There and brief news and my fresh photos and my thoughts and sayings
Than’s all
Connecting connectable (5)
                                (фсе )

2019 Year of Pig

Very unimproved this 2019 year.
Started with big changes on all my fronts what I liked.
I  quickly do a lot  of work, especially in art spectrum.
I had to give up unnecessary art programs, in which I am included.
I refused from unnecessary exhibitions, where I come to participate.
I concentrated on this  my personal site and expanded into a range of sales of paintings within Canada.
I must say, I do not waiting very high sales results.
Canadian art  sales market is uninteresting and predicted.
Sales are very slow and the artist has large losses from them.

year of pig (2)

I’ll tell you what happened immediately after the publication of my painting on the local sales network.
I published a painting showing a photo here.
This 5 x 7 my original work is made with oil on the canvas.
I showed this work before the February holidays of St. Valentine. I published that the buyers bought it as a gift to the collection.
The price I set the minimum, just for my 45 dollars.
I posted.
And this painting was arrested. The site’s customs. Two days were considered and thought what to do with it. As a result, they decided not to let it go for sale and asked me to remove it from sale.
This painting is published on my personal website. Here, in the section of my work, you can find it.And open for sale.
I’m sorry, that’s the way it turns out.
But we, artists, are mistaken for strange people…… although I don’t see anything strange in this.
So….I can do more perspective just in my personal website
 I want to show you, my readers, how I perceive the world.
and do not limit myself in the peculiarities of society.

Happy Chinese new year 2019 card with pig. Vector illustration.

I wish my Chinese friends a Happy New Year
Year of the Pig
And I wish wealth, love and prosperity.


year of pig (3)
Very strange …. I congratulate the Chinese people around me (or those born in China) inToronto with  New Year …
And in response, I hear:
-We do not celebrate. These are Chinese traditions. Our parents celebrate just……

Our advanced country and people living in it
I would like to hear this from the Europeans, too……..

Best wishes

Collection of winter paintings by Helen Polishuk

The beginning of the new 2019 year inspired me to write about my paintings about winter.

collection of winter paintings by Helen Polishuk (4)

You will immediately think that I love this topic. I live in Canada, where there is a lot of winter,more than 6 month in year.
And I manage to draw winter. I often received prizes and exhibited my works at exhibitions or published them in publications.
But I will disappoint you, this is one of my directions, but not the most beloved. I am very good drawing the winter.
Now those traditions of drawing, with which I started ,a little outdated.
This is still the traditional East European school, the old Russian traditions
collection of winter paintings by Helen Polishuk (3)
Over the years I began to move away from the primary methods of drawing.
You will be able to see how my equipment has changed on the example of the exposed photos in this post.
I am not an adherent of one theme and one style, one picture.
I always want a new one. It is in my life I am fidget.
collection of winter paintings by Helen Polishuk
Proposed for your viewing paintings, this is a small part of my work.
I don’t have many of them for a long time. They are in collections all over the world.
collection of winter paintings by Helen Polishuk (2)
The paintings of my works below are still relevant.
They are on sale in websites along with other paintings:
collection of winter paintings by Helen Polishuk (6)
Already living in Canada,I created  intresting collection of small paintings devoted to winter.
This is a lively collection filled with originality.
There are many things that show that I live in Canada. These are the buildings of houses and the landscape of nature.
I set up here to draw small pictures.
I will not say that it is special. I liked it.
Many critics say that on the contrary, it is harder to paint small paintings than big ones.
I will argue. It is easy for me to draw small paintings.
collection of winter paintings by Helen Polishuk (8)

That’s just sometimes you have to repeat to remove the layer of paint, shade white.
Therefore, the painting is not created in one month, and sometimes it takes about a year to finish it. This is the process of highlighting more  places in the painting.
Using this painting as an example, I show how applying a bleached layer several times gives a glow to the picture.
It is like nourished with small bright lights.
Very impressive!!!!!
collection of winter paintings by Helen Polishuk (5)
The range of shades is wide, although the winter landscape is monotonous.
This is not true in my collection.
collection of winter paintings by Helen Polishuk (9)
I continue to look to my direction. And the rest of my work only complements what was said
collection of winter paintings by Helen Polishuk (7)

I am glad to work for you and ask, look more often at my sites, read my posts, like and forward.
Everything I do, I create for you, my dear friends…..

I love to sign my paintings

I love- to- sign my paintings

I love to sign my paintings.This is a delight.

I love_ to_ sign my paintings

……………………….I returned to paint landscapes and drew boats among the sea.
Then I had a little color block, I added everything red. Added.Plus  :0   More     🙂
Until I got what you see.
I like it………………………………

I can remain silent for a long time in social networks.
It’s not because I have nothing to say.
I am a very hardworking person.
It means that I’m doing something.

I lov-e to sign -my paintings

                                                      ……………….Also this winter landscape was drawn among the heat and hot summer.
Do not ask, this presence is red. There is also a red color.:)……………………………….

In the course of a last  long weekend I drew more than 10 paintings.

…………………………….I touched on a topic that started a few years ago-a woman and a violin.
I got four wonderful paintings.
I today sign them with pleasure

I love_ to signmy paintings

I am very pleased with this result and I sit with pleasure and sign more  my work. 🙂
For the artist this is the coolest time of creating a picture.
To sign your work is to finish it.
It means that I agree with everything that is painted there, with light, color, contrast and plot.

I lovetosign my paintings

What I am showing today is not everything. What have I done.
Very interesting stories appeared in my head. They revolve around the works of the artist Gustav Klimt


I_ love_ to sign my paintings


………………..In the favorite I have the latest contrasting drawings of the modern style…………………..

You will see my work very soon.
And right now I just sit and enjoy.
I sign my work with pleasure.

I love_ tosign_ my paintings

I liked working with red.
This color revived my paintings.
They began to burn in canvas.
I will continue to create this color.


I_ love_ to _sign my paintings
…………….I liked drawing faces.
The truth is, they do not always work for me in the model way, as you would like.
But who else can draw so awfully,, Sleeping,, like me?……………………..

Ilove tosignmypaintings

I published all the work on my website.
Only some of them I put on  sale on the and

I- love to sign- my paintings

How is it so good to sit like this,to drink coffee and put the signature on already born paintings.


