Incarnation-An inspired sequence of 12th century carols through the 15th century to today

On January 10, 2025, a very important and unforgettable event in the cultural life of Toronto took place. As part of the Christmas concerts, this unique evening was held, dedicated to renewal, the winter solstice, the birth of a new year, a new era, a new era, a turning point in the year – when the sun is first covered by clouds and the day is full of gloom and cold, and with each new day of renewal more light comes, darkness goes to its usual time and takes its usual volume. Shakespeare’s Sonnet 16th century, “Beautiful Youth”, sounds. The choir members enter the hall by candlelight, in darkness and absolute silence and sounds ,,O Sapientia”by Janella Lucyk.

The voices of the choir soloists are clearly selected and harmoniously placed, as the next piece sounds, they seem to envelop us with singing from all sides, a feeling of 3D reality arises, when the sound seems to come from behind, goes around in a circle from left to right, rises up and sounds powerfully from all sides. This is an amazing feeling that makes everyone sitting hold their breath, and this continues from the beginning of the concert until its end.

Thanks to the masterful creativity and unrealistically beautiful gentle creation of atmosphere to conductor Daniel Taylor.

Shakespeare’s sonnet sounds in the head and the actions taking place on stage repeat the movement of the sun, when after the winter solstice, the motionless sun begins to move slowly, giving the promise of light to conquer the cold darkness. We see how the wheel is turning more and more, the pagan holiday of geola, the Wheel, conveys the mystery and meaning of the idea of ​​the year, when one ends and slowly comes the transformation and the light gradually enters the winter cold, stillness and darkness. Every day it gains more and more strength and power and eventually it defeats the darkness and gives us hope for renewal, rethinking and victory. This is very significant, since this year 2024 at the hour of the winter solstice many dates and holidays coincided and for the first time this coincidence gave hope. Gave birth to hope. A moment that echoed through many cultures around the world. Sacred. Touching. Magical, when this state is conveyed through singing and accompanied by the music of the Christmas carols of the 12-15 centuries, Scottish, Italian chants

The Toronto Consort Choir sounds wonderful, divine, angelic together with Schola Cantorum Singers.

The entire concert is based on the cycles of the Gregorian calendar and in the finale, it sounds updated, powerful, loud, apotheosis-like at first ,,Lully,lulla” by Nicolas Burns and final,,Hymn to the Mother of God” /J.Tavener/

The fact that everyone in the hall was in the magic of the melody and singing – it sounds like nothing. Divine performance and a wonderful idea for a concert. Thank you for such a creation and the opportunity to realize it THE TORONTO CONCORT( 427 Bloor St.W.,Toronto,Canada) Heather Turnbull and all creative team.

Beautiful music from the 12th-15th centuries was heard, hymns, music by Poston, Pärt, Britten, Tavener.

I love classical music, but what makes the Toronto Consort unique is that each concert remains in the memory. The memories are so vivid and colorful, they give a connection between modernity and classical works and introduce the authors and performers.

For me, this is a line that cannot be erased or changed and I am proud that there is a society in Toronto and I enjoy their work.
As they beautifully showed the flow of time, which has a cycle, a circle, and being born, becoming stronger, we produce more and more light, becoming adults and mature, we give our light, give birth to victory and life and after the summer solstice, in the aura of strength and life, we gradually fade away. Today we are talking only about birth and victory. I will describe the second part later. I have the strength and did not live to see it.

For all those who are obsessed with this unique place of intimacy and treasures, I inform you that the next concert will take place on January 25th,2025 at 8 pm and you can get more information at the link:

February 2022

It was the end of February 2022. The month was coming to an end. I rustled several robots in a row: selection of films for my project on the topic of thriller, historical film, spy thriller.

I looked at the finalist films of the annual Oscar to analyze the best works, which films are now in privilege, what are the trends of recent years. Over the past few years, I have regularly done such analytical reviews. It helps me a lot and I recommend such trainings to directors and producers who want to understand the world of cinema and see the latest changes.

By the way, I post notes on my Instagram and those who are reading this post now will easily find me on Instagram @astra_production

The weather was getting better and I thought with pleasure about those days when all the barriers would be removed and I would go to a fitness club with my body that had become obese for two years.
The temptation pushed me, I planned the workouts ..

Finally, hands will reach the editing of two films to send to the festival.

I read the news, but did not pay attention to any details or changes.
Night of February 23. I open Facebook, as I browse for the night. One of the actresses from Kyiv writes: It has begun…started….
I didn’t understand what. I looked at the comments under her post, people began to unsubscribe to her that they heard explosions and the sound of sirens over Kiev.
Kyiv? The noise of sirens? Is it really … War?
This is the most incredible thing that could come to mind.
Can not be.
I quickly skimmed through the news bulletin. Yes, martial law.
The Russian army invaded the territory of Ukraine and immediately began to attack and launch rocket attacks on all territory, including Kyiv.
Life.Time.Fat point.No comments.

This is where the new vision,new life starts.
A new world. A new reality, which is difficult to believe in, in which one must live. Get used to? No, the brain refuses to get used to. It is taught to exist in the world, seeks balance, is not capable of destruction and perceives such changes hard

Trembling. The whole body was trembling.
I didn’t sleep that night.
I started writing to friends and acquaintances.
They answered me. I asked them again, hoping that this was a mistake.
No. It turned out to be a reality.
My beloved friends who have always supported me are now in great trouble and danger.
I did not fall asleep until the morning, texting with friends, following the news and watching videos that were published by news channels about the first strikes and destruction in the capital of Ukraine.

after a sleepless night with sleepy eyes, with trembling in my body, I went out into the city in the morning.
Like any person living in another hemisphere, in a completely different world, in a Canadian city of millions, reality cut me.
Two realities – the reality of hell, deaths and refugees, the destruction of cities and the danger of movement in Ukraine.
And children peacefully playing with their parents on the playground, young people hurrying to work, people sitting at the bus stop waiting for the bus.

The world has collapsed and there is no past.
The world is divided into before and after.

February 24,2022