How to create three short films in a year and half


Hi, I’m back and this is great news not only for me but also for you.



So, my website has been updated and, as you can see, it has become more thoughtful and interesting



I’ll give you a short tour to my website right away, and I’ll create a video late.

In the meantime, I will briefly tell you about the website. This is a personal site and there you can reed not only the first posts about how I learned English, learned to write blogs,how I drew and tried to sell through the website my paintings,how I shared my thoughts and reflections with you.

IMAG0071 my photo from 2013


Now I released  share for you news from the world of cinema on the front pages,in my blog and in my future posts.

Yes, I am a filmmaker, my last third of my life is associated with making films.

my filmaking's experience

my filmmaker’s experience


And here, on this site, I will tell you about the news from my world of cinema. Here you will not only hear an interview with me, watch my films, read publications about me, but you will also discuss with me on the most pressing topics about movies, even share your thoughts .


Together we are strong.


So let’s go.

We stopped in 2020. Yes, it has been an unpredictable year.



Suddenly, we became hostages of our own fears and found ourselves in conditions completely unknown for us.

At point A, where the last post stopped, my first film was still being created and I sat day and night at the editing. How much strength was in me then !!! All the past years, drop by drop, step by step, I went to say one day, tomorrow there will be filming. The script has already been written, the actors have been selected, the shooting scheme has been worked out.

But the insecurity  was sat in me.


But I overcame it.


The film was shot. I sweated on editing – I had not created films before. I had to learn a lot of new things – editing, color correction, voice acting. When the film was ready, I found a festival of children’s films in Kiev, wrote to them and prepared to fly to Kiev. But upon arrival, quarantine began, the festival was closed unopening and I was in quarantine for a month and a half. This was my first quarantine.


Of course, since that period there have been changes that have affected not only me, but all the inhabitants of the planet.



Sitting on the bed, closed from communication, I wrote a comedy with inspiration about the situation I was in, about quarantine and an epidemic.

With the increase in quarantine and the addition of my experiences to the script, the comedy turned into a tragicomedy, and the script had to be folded and finished, because I found a way to still return between the quarantines in Toronto, to my family.



With a finished tragicomedy, with Angela’s useless short film, left without work, I flew to Toronto.


And then that second and very interesting stage began, after which everything around me changed. Despite the failures, the second and not the last quarantine, I found funds and create a comedy about a dog. Why? I wanted to paint the tragedy and panic in society. I wrote a comedy script, shot and edited a film about Mimmy.

Mimmi’s Adventures,comedy about small dog.


I sent out both films to festivals through the FilmFreeway  platform and my films started touring the festivals. You can watch the trailers of my films at the beginning of the website on the main page.

semifinalist apr 2021

When the films began to be selected for festivals and receive awards, I realized what the festivals needed and created the dream of every American to make a film about fear. Horror.

I created Fear.


You will find a trailer for it on the main page too. Please write to me, you see the picture, the image of the video or it is not of high quality to you.

It is important for me to show you quality





So one and a half years passed unnoticed.


And here I am again with you in point B (not at the end)page

Helen Polishuk


May 2021



Incredible August notes


  • Incredible_ August_ notes



Outside the window, August shines with the sun.
It means half a year has passed…..August is present…Incredible August.


Incredible _August notes

It means again soon the excruciatingly long Canadian cold winter….wow and oh….
It means how I’m close into the business and will slowly plan and implement new ideas.

But today last summer month and last warm days.

Incredible -Augustnotes

As a southerner I like to spend time under the sun.
I like to sunbathe under it, bathe in its rays.


Last July left his memories

Incredible August notes
I worked in the production of a short film #Horrors #Horrors_short (you can connect with production through Instagram) as Production Manager with #AmandaEbeye #katherinacurci #benphillstudio #mikeonley #kcmuel #sonia_blayd #laurastoica1983

Incredible- August notes    Incredible Augustnotes    Incredible- August- notes



IncredibleAugust notes       IncredibleAugustnotes

It was amazing cast and crew.

Time ran very quickly and in August I already with all responsibility sat down for writing a script about Jewish boys.

Incredible -August _notes

Script name is #Journeytothefuture @Journey to the future it is future’s film script about two boys’s traveling from Galicia to Ukraine to the coveted America

Incredible August notes Vinnusa   plakat  y seli plakat


It is comedy.It is me second future film script.It is also second script road movie and second about traveling in Ukraine/comedy.

I’m not specifically writing this, it’s a coincidence.
But the last scenario is not quite easy.
It is undoubtedly very interesting.
For me this immersion in the 1930s. For the history of this layer is very undiscovered.
And what I find in the description of that time, I want to cry,
but I’m writing a comedy.


placat agitazia       group women
I love my job very much.
These are unrepeatable impressions.
This is a thousand times better impressions than playing on stage as an actor.(for me)
It is not easy to write that, because in the film there will be four languages: Yiddish, Polish, Ukrainian and Russian

Not having the right to describe everything, I will only show a few photos that will reflect the idea of the film
I am very interested in the idea and I am completely captured by it




IncredibleAugust- notes

Do you believe that August is unusual and very interesting?Yes,incredible.



I publish a short excerpt from my script……….
I would like to hear your feedback…..
I have a general question: Do I need to publish such work on the internet?



Інтер’єр кімнати спочивальні діда.Вечір.

Велике масивне дерев’яне ліжко посеред кімнати.

На екрані з’являється напис,, 2016 рік.Торонто.Канада,,

На ліжку під ковдрою лежить 75-річний сивий чоловік,підключений під крапельницю.

Коло ліжка на стільці сидить адвокат, 45-річний чоловік в окулярах й швидко записує у блокнот.

-..I transfer my house to the legacy, in the center of Etobicoke, Ontario, an area of 350 square meters and costing 3.5 million Dollars USA,under certain conditions described earlier ….

Перевод:,,Надаючи йому у спадок мій дім з прилеглою до нього землею у центрі Єтобіко,провінція Онтаріо,площею 350 кв.метрів з певними умовами,перерахованими вище…..,,.

У спочивальню заходить медична сестра,підходить до крапельниці,перевіряє її.

Адвокат закриває блокнот,встає зі стула та підходить до дверей.Медсестра оглядає хворого та поправляє ковдру на ліжку.Адвокат обертається до хворого.

-Only if these conditions are met !-звучить ледь чутно голос сивого хворого.

Перевод: ,,Тільки при виконанні ціх умов!,,


Екстерьер заможнього будинку.Літо.День

Коло будинку стоїть машина-катафалк.Задня центральна двер машини відкрита.З будинку,з центральних дверей чотири чоловіка виносять дубову труну з великими червоно-білими квітами-вінками на кришці та йдуть до катафалку.Один чоловік дуже високий зростом лисий у чорних окулярах,чорній куртці та чорних штанах.

Поруч нього лисий товстий високий чоловік у яскраво червоній жилетці з написом ззаду,,Не паркуватись,, та номер,,81,,

Ззаду труну несуть два товстих маленьких чоловіка.Вся вага на них,їм важко.Великі квіти на кришці труни з’їхали на їх сторону.Один чоловік одягнений у стьогану куртку з двума білими полосами на рукавах змокрів,другий одягнутий у чорний вузький светр та чорну жилетку весь час надува щоки від ваги труни.

Три чоловіка у чорних костюмах та четверо жінок у чорних сукнях стоять поруч з машиною,проводжаючи труну.

До катафалка підносять труну,ставлять у машину.

Задні двері катафалка зачиняються.Чотири чоловіка сідають у машину по два з кожного боку.Чоловіки змахують зпотнілі обличчя.Машина від’їзжає від будинка.

Люди,що стояли коло будинка розходяться, йдуть до припаркованих машин.


Інтер’єр кабінету адвоката.День.

За столом сидить адвокат,листаючи товсту папку з документами.

Бере мобільний телефон з кишені,набирає номер,підносить до вуха:

-Yes, I’m looking for this (підіймає листа з папки та чітко вимовляє імя)B-o-g-d-a-n V-u-y-k-o.

At this address, he no longer lives for more than fifteen years. Yes,the legacy went into effect.

(кладе папір на стіл з папкою)

Family Vuyko left Toronto and returned either to Ukraine or to Poland.

I sent inquiries to the embassies

Перевод:,,Так,я шукаю цього Богдана Вуйко.За зазначеним місцем проживання він вже п’ятнадцять років не живе.Спадок вступив у силу.Сім’я Вуйко залишала Торонто та повернулась чи то на Україну,чи то у Польшу.Наразі запит надіслано до посольств.

Адвокат кладе мобільний телефон на стіл.Розглядає документи у папці.Бере

ручку та записує у записнику помітки.Підкреслює їх.Дивиться у вікно.


на екрані з’являється напис

,,2018 рік.Польша.Варшава.,,

Кадри з новин.Швидко перелистуються кадри відкриття байкерського зльоту у місті Рініа,Польша.

Голос диктора :

,,Polish police are on alert as bikers from clubs across Europe and the United States gather near Warsaw for an annual meeting.

Police say they expect about 1,000 bikers in total Interior Minister Mariusz Blaszczak says 5,000 police were being deployed to ensure no trouble during the weekend event,,

Кінец титрів
