Small excurs from Toronto’s exhibitions December 2019

At the end of the year, we always summarize the past .
Now it’s time to show and analyze the past year.
As a whole, it is much more successful for me then 2018 year.

I participated in several exhibitions and it was successful.
I’m talking about my work and participation in exhibitions.
I have already gained strength again to leave the Toronto with a large exhibition next year.
I accept invitations from you )) worldwide .
I am interested in exhibiting my new works, getting to know artists and seeing new cities in the world.
I hope that next year it will come true.
If you have any suggestions, send me  email here.
I know that you really like my movies about Toronto art shows and exhibitions.
Films where I show various types of fine art presented at exhibitions in Toronto.
Therefore, I again uploaded by here the last film I edited, which presents various works by Canadian artists from several exhibitions.
This is a wonderful work done by acrylic and/or oil.
I tried to show you the versatility of the work.
I like that all the techniques of the artists are mixed here in one exhibition.
The exhibitions shows as rich, heterogeneous.
It must be emphasized that the organizers of the exhibitions gave artists the freedom to carry out their designs.
I think you will notice it.

I will continue to try to publish more interesting films about Toronto exhibitions more often.

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My favorite month  May changes to summer month June….
How fast time is running.
I do not have time for  …  creation….
This is probably quite natural for creative people
Now it is especially pleasant for me to be conscious of it, and it is especially hard for everything that I create to join together.
Connecting the connectable — you already feel in my post that I have a writer’s mood today.

Yes ,you are not mistaken.
For more than a month now, I continue to work in a team of beautiful two men, creating a  script for film that takes place during World War II.
I can not describe you much now, it’s still under work.
I can only say that I am very pleased to work in such a company.
I get great pleasure from work.
In parallel, I take courses screenwriter.
That’s just to give them a lot of time I can’t.
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A lot of visual  details I have to decide now in the process of creating a movie script.
I will not explain  you that this visual work is more than artistic.
But they are very dependent one on another.
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It is like a dance. I take a step and stop.
I turn my torso and hold so as not to fall….

Five scripts have already gathered in my archive .For me it’s not enough.
 But I have to combine this pleasant work with a no less pleasant second my work.
You know that I am a great artist and of course you expect news from the arts from me.

I was invited to participate in the exhibition,which will be held in the summer.
I refused.
I do not agree to invest in a losing product.
Before offering myself to the galleries of Prague and Vienna, I arrived there and walked around some of the most expensive galleries.
I came there at the height of the day, when there are many tourists.
But I did not find visitors.
Modernity has changed a lot. Internet and social networks killed commercial painting.
Artists moved to virtual networks and they can (like me) find, view their work, buy them through their personal sites.
Our dating is now also virtual.

Exhibiting in ordinary galleries is difficult, since a lot of finances are spent on preparation.
I refused, but they persuaded me and even took several of my paintings.
And here I had to combine both of my works.
It, believe mt, very difficult.
If with one i’m doing it like dancing, then with the second everything looks like childbirth, I give birth.
This picture clearly shows this process.
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Giving birth to an idea and putting it on canvas.
 In the following posts I will tell you about the exhibition.
Now I just emphasize, as I said at the beginning of the post:
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If you want to follow more of my news, subscribe to my Instagram. @polishukelena
There and brief news and my fresh photos and my thoughts and sayings
Than’s all
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