See how it went Easter Fair in Toronto 31 March 2018

Last weekend passed for me very actively……
I was preparing for several events at once….
I met with Canadian filmmakers and met with my old friends))
Parallel ,I was preparing for a Easter Fair about which I will tell today detaily.

See how it went Easter Fair in Toronto31March 2018


I was given a small place to show my artworks. It was an unexpected proposal,which made me pull out .I’d review all my artwork created by me over the past two years.
I agreed to show up  just for one day. For that I invited my friends to stand together with me.
I had to draw at least a little something new to present them for the buyers.
Time was very short,only  five days.
I was very nervous

I had to show myself in the Ukrainian folklore style.
I have not yet exhibited in Toronto in this style.

See howit went Easter Fair in Toronto 31 March 2018

That was my first show.

See how it went Easter- Fair in Toronto 31 March 2018

Therefore, to look harmonious, I revised my old works and drew a large 24 “x 48” picture, which has perverse ornaments and helped to combine my work with each other.

See how it went Easter Fair in Toronto 31March 2018

Then I bought a pair of polished boards in Dolorama and also decorated them with the same ornament.

Se how it went Easter Fair in Toronto 31 March 2018

At last, I painted a small house for birds in the same style.


See how it went Easter Fairin Toronto 31 March 2018

When the paints dried, I covered everything with varnish.
So I had 13 works of different sizes in the style of the Ukrainian folklore. They made from oil on canvas and were counted among themselves in color, images and components.


See how it went Easter air in Toronto 31 March 2018

I mixed my artworks with different suverins and magnets to the wall.
Decorated with eggs and colored cotton.

See how it went Easter Fair in -Toronto 31 March 2018

With me were my colleagues who presented their work.


See how it went -Easter Fair in Toronto 31 March 2018

One master put salt for baths, parchment paper on wax, pads in the form of eggs, ribbons and wreaths in Ukrainian style, ceramic ampoules for aromatic oil.



The second masteress showed pictures that her students draw at artschool, exhibited wooden spoons and carvings on a tree.
All together much combined :









We exhibited for the first time, we were surprised in the interest to our work.

See how it went Easter Fair in Toronto- 3 March 2018


Among our works was an ostrich egg for sale, original and painted.

For Canada this is a rarity. They do not decorate the eggs, as they do in Kiev, taking out the yolk and cleaning it from the inside. They draw on wooden or plastic mock-ups. Therefore, the ostrich egg had a furore and we gladly showed it to the buyers.

See ho it went Easter- Fair in Toronto31 March 2018

I was pleasantly surprised that the Canadians with interest bought our crafts and were interested in the works.


See how it went Easter Fair in Toronto- 3 March 2018


It was a day of acquaintance, getting new contacts, great satisfaction from participating in sales.

See -how it went Easter Fair in Toronto 31 March 2018

We were so organically fit into the relief of the store that we were invited to show up next month too))


See how it wentEaster Fair in Toronto 31 March 2018


That will be the end of April and is dedicated to Mother’s Day.
Now I will have a little more time, experience and I want to submit small works in Petrikiv style for sale. It will be stylized and also well connect in the theme and image of the next fair.

I present you not only a photo, but also a video from the fair events.
It was a very beautiful show and I thank everyone who was involved in it for their help and support.
Next time we will show some other handicrafts and pictures and we get into on April 21, on Saturday.

Christmas time

I love winter and the period before Christmas.This is a magical time.

This is Christmas time.


For me in general it is divided into two parts. This is the time of the Catholic Christmas on December 24 and the time of the Orthodox Christmas on January 6.

I am from selected people who prepare on holidays in advance and celebrate for a long time.
Because through time I divided the celebration into two parts.

The first part with my children and the second with my parents.
I just pray that my already elderly parents live longer.
December is always a very busy month, which is connected with  meetings and corporate parties.
Toronto Pre_christmasTime
Christmas time…….Christmas time…..
This year there are also a lot of them.
But in the midst of the bustle, it’s not hard to see how my city is getting ready for Christmas.
Toronto Pre_Christmas time
I will show you, my readers this time and tell about it.
Torono Pre_christmas-Tme

I run through the streets and see these transformations.
This big old city is changing.
toronopre_christmas time
And I want to show these changes to you.

The city is simply transformed radically.
Torono Pre_Christmas time
In the parks everything froze in natural beauty.
Toronto_pre_christmas time

Storefronts are decorated.


In the squares are built Christmas markets.
This is Christmas time…….
Street bazaars call for sales and on them a lot of Christmas toys, souvenirs, hats and clothes.
Toronto Pre Christmas_time (2)

The millions of colorful lights and decorative lighting are lit up.
Even gloomy banks look brighter and more festive.
Torono_prechristmas time

The cafes  dazzle with some new delicacies and scenery.
Large and elegant malls  and small stores are called  to pre- Christmas discounts.
Toronto pre christmas_Time
Christmas time……Christmas time……
Beauty,which bewitches and ravages the eye.
Torono Pre-Christmas_time
Many historical places of the city are preparing in December their programs dedicated to Christmas.
It’s Allen Garden and AGO and Fort York and Nathan Square.
Toronto_pre-Christmas time
In the Nathan Square opened traditional skating.
TorontoPreCristmas time
Now everyone who lives in Toronto can come back after work and skate
Sometimes it’s couples with children.
This is Christmas time.
The changes touched every house in the city.
ToronotoPre_Christmas time

Everyone is trying to prepare the facades of houses smartly for Christmas.
Ancient buildings look great and I like to photograph them.
Totronto Pre_Christmas-time
Modern buildings shine with windows and metal finishes.
TorontoPre-Christmas time
These buildings are so easily combined, as easily in this city the old and the new styles live.
Toronto-pre-Chistmas time
Year round red double-floor bus carries tours on the Dundas Street West.
Toronto Pre-christmas time
The people saying goodbye to each other, say:,, Merry Christmas!,,
Yes,it is Christmas time.
Of course this is the month of philanthropy.
Especially at such a time you feel compassion for the hungry, homeless and sick people.

When near the Allan Gardens in a small area the homeless of the whole district gathered to disassemble a huge bunch of winter clothes brought by him, I thanked the
people who helped them to exist.
A city cleared of debris and foliage, many places in the center of the city are still blocked by construction, but this is   normal for a constantly renewed city.

Recently changed the flights of streetcars from wide and high to more flat, the streetcars themselves changed, which became less noisy and with low enter’s steps.
Low, specifically for people with disabilities on wheelchairs.
This year winter came slowly.
It’s seemed to come quietly every day.
And now, when I’m writing this post-outside the window, it’s already snowing all over.
Snowing will be  all next week too.
Ten days still before the Christmas.

The Allan Gardens


When on the calendar December, a lot of worries and preparations for Christmas and the New Year.
I really love this time.

The Allan Gardens
He gives a good mood, drifting the last year and h
elping to plan the coming year.


It turns out that not only me preparing for this holiday painstakingly and intensely.
My  city Toronto is also preparing for this holiday.


I realized this by visiting an exhibition of flowers in Allan Gardens, dedicated to Christmas.

How many flowers needs grow by this month, then to decorete everything beautifully and accurately in the collections and present them to us.


 I invite you, my readers, to walk with me along the Allan Gardens instead of gossip and fantasies.

The_Allan Gardens

I am suspicious of mass events, but today I violated the usual rules and visited Allan Gardens on the day of his invitation to Toronto residents for an exhibition dedicated to Christmas.

The -Allan Gardens

I must say that the weather so far just helps to walk and enjoy nature.

The temperature slightly drops. It’s not sharp, as usual, but gradually, as if playing with us.
Today, for example, at night there was a thick fog that enveloped all Toronto in a continuous tangle and was played this way until midday, when the sun dispersed the clouds and warmed the city.

Walking in Toronto on such days is just a pleasure.


Usually for December slush, dampness, rain or snow. But the year does not happen for a year and this winter while we are pleased with the warm weather.


Only after opening the doors of Allan Gardens, you immediately get into the embraces of greenery, flowers and plants.
A huge number of different varieties of flowers and plants live in this unique garden.


We must thank the workers of this garden for their hard work.

Exhibited very interesting collections of cacti, hydrangeas,roses and various varieties of tropical plants.


Some of them are so planted that intertwine with each other and make a bright rainbow of colors.


Decorate their wooden bulls, bridges,  flowerpots and garlands of Christmas lights.


The third year in a row at the Allan Gardens  opening of the Christmas Flower Show.


There are free cider and cookies inside garden.

 From activities there is  a wagon ride around the park.



It is line with children and parents to horseback riding.
It’s not just a walk, you have to sing a Christmas song.
Of course it’s cool and cheers up.
Some people walking in the park in old clothes from
Toronto Streampunk Society.


They are friendly, they smile cute, posing in front of the cameras and make  good atmosphere walk in the park.

There are two places where the workshops is held.

In one you need to make a decorative toy on the tree with your name.

The _Allan-Gardens
In the second it is necessary to cut out a toy and decorate it with ornaments.

The -AllanGardens


It is popular in Toronto to conduct workshops at the events of the city.
It helps create a family atmosphere, entertains children, helps adults.

When in the middle of winter, cold and gray, you get into a tiny green, well-groomed piece of Allan Gardens, it’s like you get into a fairy tale.


Of course, this is an amazing show and I thank its organizers for this idea.

The exhibition’s location:19 Horticultural Ave.,Toronto.

From 1 p.m to 5 p.m