Who loves theater like me?

Let’s speak?

Are you love, standing in front of the mirror, curling, read a monologue?I was.It was forty years ago.
I loved my childhood.
My childhood passed everything in the theater.
We with my girlfriend have thought up and have made school theater.
It lasted for some years and after graduation closed.
I was playing there.


After forty years again I am in theater.I talk,then did not want play again.I saw many people,who still artist.I am artist,but last year I like not change and do not play like artist, and be myself and share my wisdom.



I came to the theater ,, Zagrava,,.

This is  amateur theater in Toronto.
I heard about this theater, but today he has become a part of me.
The theater ,,Zagrava,, exists since 1953.
It was created by Ukrainian emigrants ,who came to Canada after the Second World War.


theatre Zahrava

Ukrainian Drama Theatre,, Zahrava,, is an all-volunteer community theatre that was founded on June 5, 1953 in Toronto, Ontario by Volodymyr Dovhan.

History of  the Theatre ,,Zahrava,,



The theatre’s repertoire included many Ukrainian classics, such as: Prokuror Dalsky, Advokat Martian, Motria, Myna Mazaylo, Suyeta, Kassandra, Ukradene Shchastia, Boyarynia; and European classics such as Charlie’s Aunt, Anouilh’s Jeanne d’Arc, Ibsen’s Ghosts, Gogol’s Marriage, Goldoni’s Servant of Two Masters and others. More modern works included: Moral Pani Dulskoyi, Kuriyer UPA, Taborova Kozulka (also presented as Hrikhy Molodosti), Prolisky, Ksantypa, Zavtra Znovu Ziyde Sontse, Korol Striltsiv, Neskoreni, Yuda Iskariot, Triumfalna zhinka, Nelehalka, etc. Works were specially written for the ensemble: Yevshan Zillia, Viva Boyko, Tanok Voli.

The productions took place on Toronto’s stages and then in various cities of Canada and the United States. The group has won many awards such as: best leading/supporting actors/actresses, best performance of the festival, best Canadian play, best costume design.


Theatre Zahrava (1)
Josef Terlicki, who became Artistic Director in 1988 after the death of Volodymyr Dovhaniuk, directs ,,Zahrava’s ,, productions. Directors from Ukraine, Fedir Stryhun and Inna Pavlyuk, have worked on a Master Class basis with the group.

In 1990 the ,,Zahrava,, Ensemble conducted a two-week tour of the Ukraine, where it put on 21 productions in 14 days. Also in the 1990s ,,Zahrava ,,put on several dramatic montages for various community events.


TheatreZahrava (2)


Over the past few years, the ,,Zahrava,,has made a number of premieres and has fundamentally become the cultural center of the Toronto  ukrainian community.
It is hard to survive in a new world, but there is an.

The last successor, the “Spills/Proliski”, was a success in Toronto and Montreal.
Now several new premieres are preparing.
I will write about them.


Women in red


My page on ARTFINDER.COM :


IMAG0067 (2)

It is my first publication in other’s website.








Friday’s art

Friday … weekend …ahead of the weekend……my head hurts….WHY?

A lot of work on the organization of the project….
Printed advertising and need to work….

Sick  the smallest from my family,she just one year old and I all day sat with her.

Always feel bad if young children are sick.



halloween party art



I need to tell this story.
It happened to me today
…The end of October is a Halloween Party
I was invited to Halloween Party today.
In the invitation it says that ,,get you best film related costume and come out to join,,.

I realized that it would be masked.
I wore a witch costume, zombie wig and made  on the face mask zombie.

 To go to the subway in a way I could not, for two reasons.My view was good, positive,but dangerous to others.

 Was dark on the street and rainy.So I went to the car with my son.

We drove 45 minutes across town with traffic lights.The city did not show signs of a holiday.
It was not public, like me.

And it was strange that at traffic lights when the car was ,in my window did not watch passing cars.

,,Listen, I’m good!,,-said my head, forgetting what mask I have on the face.

We arrived.
I thought, let the son go, check.
If there is still someone of the producers or actors dressed as me Halloween dress….I shall leave.

Son went and returned:
,,No one…….all solid, ….in suits…,,

,,Back..Lets go  back home…,,-said my Halloween Head.

Again 45 minutes and no one looked after me 🙂


fall art

I again change the plans and showing you the beauty and brilliance of fall.



How bright paint play with light….just wonderful….

I can not stop looking at this game….


for me it is a dance..
dance between light and shadow
dance between heat and cold
dance between the summer and autumn
once the weather is warmer and then windy and cold…


the wonderful dance of nature and timeIMG_1369



I remind you that on this website, and photos and pictures and video made by me.

Also my social links





and that’s not all  🙂