What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018

If I want to see the work of other artists, to understand the style of today’s art, to get acquainted from the work of other people or to understand what is now relevant, always go to the gallery.
Since I am now in Kiev, for me the most interesting exhibition is in the Pinchuk Art Gallery.
For more than ten years, his collection is always interesting.
I enjoyed visiting the exhibition in November 2018.

Today’s exhibition is dedicated about woman:
,,Woman and ex-USSR.,,
,,Woman and socialism.,,
,,Creativity of women in post-socialism.,,
,,What happened to a woman in the USSR,,

Strange choice. Strange, dirty, tangled thoughts,  shows naked women.
Statue of women chained in concrete (monumentalism)
In short, art is on the verge of burning out.
Three floors with different rooms. In one hall, the author from the European Union collects water from the Dnieper, makes a block of ice, drains it into a tank and pours it into the Dnieper. He fights for the purity of nature.
And in other halls there is a struggle around a woman, so I will call everything that I saw.
In fact, scary.
In socialism, everything that was created by Eastern society suffered for so long.
Erasing the line between a man and a woman.
And the show wants to show both crap and results. Both are very sad.
The fact that women’s rights are violated ….is….. yes.
And the fact that it is too late to realize that, the whole world has changed….it… is.

So,my conclusions:there is art and artists react to what happened to them.

Folk art is gathered in one room.

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018

It is  creativity of not professional female artists. There are primitive paintings,but they are bright.

I have  heard about the curtains, embroidered in the style of the Kama Sutra, about sex. But I saw them for the first time


What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (2)

The next exhibit — it seems to me, is an angel wing.
But prayer is on him.
Maybe it  is map of  country.
It’s like a picture made from a piece of wood.

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (6)

Back to the murals on the walls:



What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (3)
Paintings in style resembling painted walls in thatched houses. Often it was painted by women to decorate their houses and decorate them.

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (4)

Exhibited by one painting of famous folklore artists Maria Priymachenko


What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (14)

and Katerina Belokur

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (5)

Both women create to decorate  walls with animals and flowers.
And payment for creativity, they were whole life lonely.


This is a difficult legacy of our time – a woman and loneliness. A high percentage of women in the country live by themselves, alone. Many divorces. Many raise children themselves. It is very difficult in our time. Very difficult.
Therefore, probably, I was interested in the posters of the builders of socialism.
Motivation simply destroys the authenticity of women. And the goal is aimed right at the heart, let’s drop everything, go work, go build, go help.


Each of these posters symbolizes a woman, as a country, as a motherland, as a mother:

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (7)

But there were very few in really.

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (8)

Women- go to work in collective farms….and they went, worked very hard.


What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (9)

Woman- help rebuild the country.

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (10)

Women -workers of the USSR.

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (11)

This is a very interesting poster – a woman if she becomes in government  , she will help the growth of culture


What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (12)

Through DD societies destroy orphanage and homelessness.


What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (13)

Gymnasts and gymnasts is the pride of our country.
This poster is still relevant.


This is the subject of today’s block.
I didn’t take a lot of photos.
I  watched a very difficult movie. I watched it completely.
Movie was shot in the 1990s and I did not agree with the main idea of the film . So that the author understand what happens with Ukraine. Tied up with ropes, a naked, torn, raped woman.
But this is the judgment of the author.
I take a more conservative position in such decisions.
I change everything with love.



That’s all for today.



What i want next 2018 year

what -i wnt next 2018 year

New Year 2018 is approaching.
A few days left before it starts.
I am cold, I cough and can not actively spend these days.
I canceled to have parties and meetings, because I feel very bad.
I had time to work a little with computer.I have time for myself.

I very much hoped that at the end of December I will be accepted for a solo exhibition in Etobicoke Art Gallery.


what i want-next2018 year

But the jury did not approve me, they just sent me a letter saying that the works are great and I stayed with them.
I stay with you, my friends, how much will I have enough.
I submitted to the contest in the newspaper, where my works were published last year.
So I was also sent a beautiful letter that I’m good, but took another.
I do not suffer from this.
But my strength and desire from this conceal.
I’m looking for other ways and exits.
After all, you can not wait and suffer all your life.
But where is the incentive for creativity?

what i -want next 2018 year

Because of illness, because of dryness in the throat and a strong cough at night, I stopped drawing now.
I think they will return to creativity after illness and a trip to Ukraine.

So what do I want to do next year?
Of course, I’m looking for acquaintances and help in making the film by my script.
This is the reason for my trip to Kiev.
The film is planned to be shot in Kiev.
There is a production for work, but its funds are not enough and we are looking for co-production for the organization of the film.
A movie about bikers and funny.
My dream is to show it to the audience.

Believe me, for many reasons-it’s difficult for me to do this.
Of course, I will be glad to get acquainted and support.

What I want to do next year- is to finish two more scenarios.
Both scenarios about life are 4 serial melodramas.

The first script about women, I’m finishing the second series.
The second scenario is very dear to me, about the real events in the life of my friend and ready  only in the synopsis.
To him I’ll get later


what i want 2018 next year

What else would I want?

I lack management of my works and advertising in the field of art.
So next year I will more agree to exhibitions and events, where I can show my art work.
And I will devote more time to advertising and disseminating information about me.
Who interested in new names, who want unusual exhibits-contact me,please.

My exhibition will not be just an exhibition, I want to join together my work with the performances of artists and beautifully  decorations.
It’s like a mini show where all kinds of art are connected.
Not only in the opening day.A during the whole week of the exhibition.
As a mini festival(this is my dream and this is answer why I cancel many time offers from the organizers)

Please do not be offended and do not think that I’m arrogant.
I just do not see myself in ordinary exhibitions.
Me there or not enough or do not look like me.
But I really want to show myself and my world, if  make an exhibition.
So I applied to win individual exhibitions.

I want the next year to be as saturated as this one and even more…………………….
I wish health to all my loved ones……………………..
I wish success to all my colleagues………………………………….
I wish you love, my dear readers.Without it my life is empty……………………………..
I wish you happiness…………………………………….
Let your plans and ideas come true, let dreams come true…………………..

I remember a year ago one reader wrote to me:
,,You write well, but not enough. Please write more…,,

I then wrote a few lines. The publication of these few lines in English cost me a lot of sweat and a few hours. I sweated over each line and got confused in every word.
Today I am writing, remembering that time, smiling, thank you to my reader, who helped me and instructed me then and stimulated me.

and I can not stop……….


Happy New 2018 Year me dear readers!!!!!!!!
