Post quarantine

as element of decor

What  I feel when I open my site after six months of quarantine to write a post?



This is the name of my new work, which I share with you
After spring 2020 with quarantine?with disrtoy in futures plane,we will not be able to live as before.
As the main thing, we are motivated by caring for the family, the observance of today and the recognition that everything must be treated with distrust


at gallery

What’s new in my angels paintings?

close to image

The background of the paintings has become darker.
I express not transparency, hopelessness, anxiety
This is the background of ourselves, me too.
close to sign
 My signature still  at the corner in lower right as before
in frame
I continue the 2020 cycle about angels
If the previous pictures are interesting, you can find them on the fb page :
main image
If you are interested in cooperation with me and online exhibitions of my works, write
on the wall
Unfortunately,email on my site does not work and I am working on its restoration
Due to financial costs that are difficult to maintain and pay, I am thinking of closing the site.
If you want to help in its content, I will gladly accept it.
Email me about it.
 As I already reported, this painting refers to post-quarantine paintings dedicated to angels and is called, “Zeroed”
materials: oil on canvas
Size: 5’x7′
100% original with my signature
I am pleased to receive feedback from you,my readers.

I am pleased to receive your feedback from you in,,COMMENTS,,
I always read all the reviews
Now there is a lot of work to be done, about 5 thousand of them have accumulated together with bots…and its waiting for read
I promise to read and answer to all readers of my blog
Really looking forward to hearing from you comments and stories, how are you doing
July 16,2020 Toronto

Petrykivka painting

Petrykivka is popular folk style in Ukraine and in the world.

I today just want to remind you that this kind of painting is very old.

It originates from the very first rock paintings, where symbols and joss were drawn.

Later, in temples and rooms, the custom of drawing symbols that adhere to the Petrikov style was preserved.
I very often wrote that drawing these painting, the artist creates a special message for the place where the painting will be.

Therefore, when I talk about the amazing month of April, I tell you about my inspiration to draw wonderful paintings for you

I create them, filling them with warmth and tenderness.

main image

Less than a day after the end of the painting,, April.Petrykivka,,
I immediately wanted to sit down and draw another painting.
Already changing the shape of the flower and creating it in green.

Why green?It is spring now))
I did not notice how I started plotting the painting.
If earlier I wanted to fill all the canvas with flowers?but today I selected flowers by drawing them not often, creating space between them.

close to image and sign


I twined the branches with flowers as in the previous work.

To make a painting and at the same time make it an individual, I used gold paint.

Earlier I did not have to work with this paint.
I took a chance, but I was justified.
I shined the ends of the leaves with golden paint.
She did not stand out, but rather a little stared with the main yellow-brown-green leaves.
This was the idea of the painting.
Here I publish a video for your better viewed the painting.


It turned out very gentle and light.
To show how it is combined in different rooms, I will give below a few photos

in room

Unusually spirit and tender turned out this painting.


Petrykivka April's

Ready for hang

in home



Medium:oil on canvas

Available for purchase