I greet you again….missed you….
I have a lot of family care this summer.
That I mean OLD NEW….
They relax me.
I continue to work on the paintings
My paintings are now successfully displayed at the exhibition Cloverdale Art Show.The show has attracted lots of attention and continues to draw lots of people into the space where visitors can learn more about Cloverdale Common and Art Etobicoke.
I have been told that have been consistently getting about 50 visitors a day.
The feedback for show has been so positive that show extending for another month until Friday,September 6!
This three paintings exhibit at Cloverdale Art Show
Plus, I write two scripts. I finish English courses of scriptwriters.
I try to relax in gym and pool
I am preparing for vacation in the fall.
Oh this vanity…. vanity….
Very correct statement:
Life is not given to wait for the rain to end.
Life is given to learn how to dance in the rain……
Look at my instagram page @polishukelena where I have active blog,stories,page
The gift will come with my signature and certificate of authenticity.

I was noticed and invited to participate in the production of clothing as a decorator.
I gladly took up this new job.
Now my work is published for sale on the site
So silence was not a lazy flow of life.
A lot of old, it is new
My silence is a way to break away from everyday cares and create …. create….create
I want to fill you with my inner world
I want to show the most immaculate paintings for you…..
I want to convey my thoughts to you in the form of film ecraning
Everything will work out, because I have such assistants and support as you , my readers
Time runs very fast
You help me with your comments and letters.
I am waiting for your feedback.