How to create three short films in a year and half


Hi, I’m back and this is great news not only for me but also for you.



So, my website has been updated and, as you can see, it has become more thoughtful and interesting



I’ll give you a short tour to my website right away, and I’ll create a video late.

In the meantime, I will briefly tell you about the website. This is a personal site and there you can reed not only the first posts about how I learned English, learned to write blogs,how I drew and tried to sell through the website my paintings,how I shared my thoughts and reflections with you.

IMAG0071 my photo from 2013


Now I released  share for you news from the world of cinema on the front pages,in my blog and in my future posts.

Yes, I am a filmmaker, my last third of my life is associated with making films.

my filmaking's experience

my filmmaker’s experience


And here, on this site, I will tell you about the news from my world of cinema. Here you will not only hear an interview with me, watch my films, read publications about me, but you will also discuss with me on the most pressing topics about movies, even share your thoughts .


Together we are strong.


So let’s go.

We stopped in 2020. Yes, it has been an unpredictable year.



Suddenly, we became hostages of our own fears and found ourselves in conditions completely unknown for us.

At point A, where the last post stopped, my first film was still being created and I sat day and night at the editing. How much strength was in me then !!! All the past years, drop by drop, step by step, I went to say one day, tomorrow there will be filming. The script has already been written, the actors have been selected, the shooting scheme has been worked out.

But the insecurity  was sat in me.


But I overcame it.


The film was shot. I sweated on editing – I had not created films before. I had to learn a lot of new things – editing, color correction, voice acting. When the film was ready, I found a festival of children’s films in Kiev, wrote to them and prepared to fly to Kiev. But upon arrival, quarantine began, the festival was closed unopening and I was in quarantine for a month and a half. This was my first quarantine.


Of course, since that period there have been changes that have affected not only me, but all the inhabitants of the planet.



Sitting on the bed, closed from communication, I wrote a comedy with inspiration about the situation I was in, about quarantine and an epidemic.

With the increase in quarantine and the addition of my experiences to the script, the comedy turned into a tragicomedy, and the script had to be folded and finished, because I found a way to still return between the quarantines in Toronto, to my family.



With a finished tragicomedy, with Angela’s useless short film, left without work, I flew to Toronto.


And then that second and very interesting stage began, after which everything around me changed. Despite the failures, the second and not the last quarantine, I found funds and create a comedy about a dog. Why? I wanted to paint the tragedy and panic in society. I wrote a comedy script, shot and edited a film about Mimmy.

Mimmi’s Adventures,comedy about small dog.


I sent out both films to festivals through the FilmFreeway  platform and my films started touring the festivals. You can watch the trailers of my films at the beginning of the website on the main page.

semifinalist apr 2021

When the films began to be selected for festivals and receive awards, I realized what the festivals needed and created the dream of every American to make a film about fear. Horror.

I created Fear.


You will find a trailer for it on the main page too. Please write to me, you see the picture, the image of the video or it is not of high quality to you.

It is important for me to show you quality





So one and a half years passed unnoticed.


And here I am again with you in point B (not at the end)page

Helen Polishuk


May 2021



What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018

If I want to see the work of other artists, to understand the style of today’s art, to get acquainted from the work of other people or to understand what is now relevant, always go to the gallery.
Since I am now in Kiev, for me the most interesting exhibition is in the Pinchuk Art Gallery.
For more than ten years, his collection is always interesting.
I enjoyed visiting the exhibition in November 2018.

Today’s exhibition is dedicated about woman:
,,Woman and ex-USSR.,,
,,Woman and socialism.,,
,,Creativity of women in post-socialism.,,
,,What happened to a woman in the USSR,,

Strange choice. Strange, dirty, tangled thoughts,  shows naked women.
Statue of women chained in concrete (monumentalism)
In short, art is on the verge of burning out.
Three floors with different rooms. In one hall, the author from the European Union collects water from the Dnieper, makes a block of ice, drains it into a tank and pours it into the Dnieper. He fights for the purity of nature.
And in other halls there is a struggle around a woman, so I will call everything that I saw.
In fact, scary.
In socialism, everything that was created by Eastern society suffered for so long.
Erasing the line between a man and a woman.
And the show wants to show both crap and results. Both are very sad.
The fact that women’s rights are violated ….is….. yes.
And the fact that it is too late to realize that, the whole world has changed….it… is.

So,my conclusions:there is art and artists react to what happened to them.

Folk art is gathered in one room.

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018

It is  creativity of not professional female artists. There are primitive paintings,but they are bright.

I have  heard about the curtains, embroidered in the style of the Kama Sutra, about sex. But I saw them for the first time


What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (2)

The next exhibit — it seems to me, is an angel wing.
But prayer is on him.
Maybe it  is map of  country.
It’s like a picture made from a piece of wood.

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (6)

Back to the murals on the walls:



What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (3)
Paintings in style resembling painted walls in thatched houses. Often it was painted by women to decorate their houses and decorate them.

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (4)

Exhibited by one painting of famous folklore artists Maria Priymachenko


What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (14)

and Katerina Belokur

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (5)

Both women create to decorate  walls with animals and flowers.
And payment for creativity, they were whole life lonely.


This is a difficult legacy of our time – a woman and loneliness. A high percentage of women in the country live by themselves, alone. Many divorces. Many raise children themselves. It is very difficult in our time. Very difficult.
Therefore, probably, I was interested in the posters of the builders of socialism.
Motivation simply destroys the authenticity of women. And the goal is aimed right at the heart, let’s drop everything, go work, go build, go help.


Each of these posters symbolizes a woman, as a country, as a motherland, as a mother:

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (7)

But there were very few in really.

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (8)

Women- go to work in collective farms….and they went, worked very hard.


What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (9)

Woman- help rebuild the country.

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (10)

Women -workers of the USSR.

What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (11)

This is a very interesting poster – a woman if she becomes in government  , she will help the growth of culture


What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (12)

Through DD societies destroy orphanage and homelessness.


What is relevant in Kiev in the autumn of 2018 (13)

Gymnasts and gymnasts is the pride of our country.
This poster is still relevant.


This is the subject of today’s block.
I didn’t take a lot of photos.
I  watched a very difficult movie. I watched it completely.
Movie was shot in the 1990s and I did not agree with the main idea of the film . So that the author understand what happens with Ukraine. Tied up with ropes, a naked, torn, raped woman.
But this is the judgment of the author.
I take a more conservative position in such decisions.
I change everything with love.



That’s all for today.



fall art

I again change the plans and showing you the beauty and brilliance of fall.



How bright paint play with light….just wonderful….

I can not stop looking at this game….


for me it is a dance..
dance between light and shadow
dance between heat and cold
dance between the summer and autumn
once the weather is warmer and then windy and cold…


the wonderful dance of nature and timeIMG_1369



I remind you that on this website, and photos and pictures and video made by me.

Also my social links





and that’s not all  🙂