From begining of 2025

2022.Open Reception

Creating a new project with the onset of the new year, these are very significant changes in my career and in my life. What influences the final result and how all the work changes in connection with the new project, it is very difficult to talk about it a lot, and even more difficult to explain.

In previous years, I got used to keeping silent and doing my job, showing you the result of the work. And this always hid the colossal expenditure of time on the production of the product. The final result came out as something easy to do, not requiring large expenses and time. But with the complication of my tasks, I have to abstract myself from life, close myself off in order to produce more and more, create and implement my plans. That is why today I am simply telling you that I am alive, healthy and very busy.

All my free time, which is very little, I devote to my family, children and walks. This helps to distract myself and, conversely, creates an atmosphere of community and comfort.

a small drop from future projects I am posting for you now.
Please use all iso-images that are published on this site as original works and repost only with the mention of my name. Any attempts to use images otherwise will be considered a violation of copyright.





Modern drawing made in the style of Petrykivka painting by Natalia Stasiv-Garko

It may seem that time is unchanged. More than six months have passed since the last publication. During this time, many events have passed that can be packaged in one word – change.
The Chinese, when they want to wish something bad, say that you should live during changes. They make sense because this is the most uncertain time, which slows down any planning, postpones things indefinitely, interferes with meetings and postpones events. But what to do, when this happened to you.
Therefore, I will briefly summarize my post.

I’m sure many people have found themselves in this state.
Today I am only talking about the present tense.
The large collection of wood paintings I created in the traditional Ukrainian style was shown in August and had both positive and negative responses. I may return to the positive ones, but I’ll dwell on the negative ones in more detail.
This is my first time painting on wood. I have not done this before. If we approach the creation of the project technically, then its goal was to create mutually complementary objects that together would create the same composition.

Composition of the drawing, completed in Petrykivka style and presented for teaching drawing techniques in a book about Petrykivka painting

The critics felt that I did not perform the traditional Ukrainian Petrikovsky painting correctly, or to put it differently, in an original way. Well, although these critics do not know how to draw and have a superficial understanding, they decided to consider me a failure.
I am not defending myself and I am not going to argue. But thanks to the first women (Petrikovsky painting is known for the fact that the first women who mastered it were women who painted the walls of their houses) who painted cockerels, birds and flowers in an absolutely free style and decorated their houses with them, we now have a whole galaxy of artists of this style. If you look at the works of each of them, they are very different and they have in common the creation of a composition around several symbols.

One of the founders of Petrykivka painting in Ukraine Maria Prymachenko

Years have passed and this style, thanks to modern graphic programs, has reached absolute perfection. Moreover, many schools and courses have appeared that are ready to teach you this skill for your money.
And yet, based on primary sources, I would advise you to remain tied to the three fundamentals of this painting – creativity, composition around symbols and image technique.

One of the famous paintings created by Maria Primachenko

That’s why I wished and wish today to everyone who is fighting for something, look at the primary sources and add your creativity – you will succeed.

Another painting by Maria Prymachenko, the founder of Petrykivka painting

The most interesting thing in learning any folk painting is mastering the principles.
Although I will now be criticized again, the founders of this type of painting did not interconnect the composition; many objects of the composition were, as it were, separated. If you look at photographs of one of the first creators of this type of painting, you can see how stamping, the creation of separate drawings, which are located one next to the other.

Modern apartment decor in Petrykivka style

Two centuries ago, the goal for artists was to create a drawing that would create coziness in the room, protect it and harmonize with everyday life. Therefore, cheerful roosters and hens, wonderful bright princes with colorful plumage and long multi-colored tails, flowers of unusual shapes and color harmony appeared on the walls.

It was rural folklore, the art of the country people who decorated their homes.
And today, Ukrainian artists have supplemented and improved it and created masterpiece collections of paintings, introducing this type of art into the traditional Ukrainian folk art.
I’ll return to my collection. Drawing on wood requires its own skill. Technically, this is a more long-term work, and I was also required to create compositions on two chests, several kitchen boards, kitchen wooden shelves, souvenir wooden houses, Christmas tree decorations and sections of wood. I also tried painting on bags.

Photo from exhibition where was present my new collection.

I liked the combination of animals with modern elements. I took the cat as a symbol on the bag. That’s why I received criticism.

Another part of the collection among the exhibits on display

I’ll wait until the passion to ruin someone subsides and all this settles down and still, I’ll remain silent.
Someone else criticized that I was too confident in myself.
Friends, no. I hid, broke all my brushes, threw away the paints and am sitting waiting for something else to come to me.
I would like your problems.
Today I have donated several works to auctions and I believe that they will be useful.
Tomorrow is not predictable for me, I will say one thing – only those who do not do and do not create are not mistaken.
And I am again full of news and ideas, which I will tell you about in the next post.
All the best

Best from 2019

Not the end of the year yet, but I can summarize the year 2019.

In my opinion, my best work painted by me over the past time is this painting.

Best from 2019

Very gentle work. I drew it quickly and did not correct at all.
In general, I really like the whole selection of paintings of that style and time.
There is movement in it, there is tenderness, airiness. There is a search for femininity

It is on sale on my website and if you like it, you can buy it using Paypal.

The best thing that I have in my house is the camera.
Best from 2019 (2)
It takes me a lot of pictures that I publish.
I am active on my instagram page @polishukelena
On the page you can see both my best photographs and find out a lot of news about me, where I went, what I love/like
A lot of very beautiful photos and of course there I publish my stories
 Connect with my Instagram page @polishukelena
My best photo that I posted on the page on Instagram is this work
Best from 2019 (3)
I rate her as a very beautiful photo.
It was made in Toronto in a park near me. It was made after the rain. The flow of water in the river increased and it turned out like a waterfall.
Very beautiful photo.
My best photo posted in my posts here on the blog is this photo.
Best from 2019 (4)
It speaks of my character – stubborn, invincible, desperate, adventurous and very funny
My best and most favorite phrase that I never tire of repeating to you, which has no expiration date and with which I go through life, is this phrase
…………………I love you……………………..
Best from 2019 (5)

Don’t get tired of repeating it and repeating it.
Without it there is no meaning to life
Your little, funny, desperate, very kind and always smiling …..Helen Polishuk
P.S.This is my best photo from this year ))
 best from 2019


I greet you again….missed you….


I have a lot of family care this summer.

That I mean OLD NEW….

They relax me.


I continue to work on the paintings

My paintings are now successfully displayed at the  exhibition Cloverdale Art Show.The show has attracted lots of attention and continues to draw lots of people into the space where visitors can learn more about Cloverdale Common and Art Etobicoke.


I have been told that have been consistently getting about 50 visitors a day.

The feedback for show has been so positive that show extending for another month until Friday,September 6!

This three paintings exhibit at Cloverdale Art Show






old new

Plus, I write two scripts. I finish English courses of scriptwriters.

old new


I try to relax in gym and pool

old new

old new


I am preparing for vacation in the fall.
Oh this vanity…. vanity….

Very correct statement:

Life  is not given to wait for the rain to end.
Life  is given to learn how to dance in the rain……




Look at my instagram page  @polishukelena where I  have active blog,stories,page

Just this week, until the end of July, I will present one of my paintings as a present.
The gift will come with my signature and certificate of authenticity.
 Hurry to participate in the competition
In recent months I have worked a lot on paintings in the Ukrainian style.
old new (2)
I was noticed and invited to participate in the production of clothing as a decorator.
I gladly took up this new job.
Now my work is published for sale on the site



So silence was not a lazy flow of life.
A lot of old, it is new


My silence is a way to break away from everyday cares and create …. create….create

old new
I have more plans

I want to fill you with my inner world

old new
I want to show the most immaculate paintings for you…..
I want to convey my thoughts to you in the form of film ecraning
Everything will work out, because I have such assistants and support as you , my readers



Time runs very fast
You help me with your comments and letters.
I am waiting for your feedback.

Who loves theater like me?

Let’s speak?

Are you love, standing in front of the mirror, curling, read a monologue?I was.It was forty years ago.
I loved my childhood.
My childhood passed everything in the theater.
We with my girlfriend have thought up and have made school theater.
It lasted for some years and after graduation closed.
I was playing there.


After forty years again I am in theater.I talk,then did not want play again.I saw many people,who still artist.I am artist,but last year I like not change and do not play like artist, and be myself and share my wisdom.



I came to the theater ,, Zagrava,,.

This is  amateur theater in Toronto.
I heard about this theater, but today he has become a part of me.
The theater ,,Zagrava,, exists since 1953.
It was created by Ukrainian emigrants ,who came to Canada after the Second World War.


theatre Zahrava

Ukrainian Drama Theatre,, Zahrava,, is an all-volunteer community theatre that was founded on June 5, 1953 in Toronto, Ontario by Volodymyr Dovhan.

History of  the Theatre ,,Zahrava,,



The theatre’s repertoire included many Ukrainian classics, such as: Prokuror Dalsky, Advokat Martian, Motria, Myna Mazaylo, Suyeta, Kassandra, Ukradene Shchastia, Boyarynia; and European classics such as Charlie’s Aunt, Anouilh’s Jeanne d’Arc, Ibsen’s Ghosts, Gogol’s Marriage, Goldoni’s Servant of Two Masters and others. More modern works included: Moral Pani Dulskoyi, Kuriyer UPA, Taborova Kozulka (also presented as Hrikhy Molodosti), Prolisky, Ksantypa, Zavtra Znovu Ziyde Sontse, Korol Striltsiv, Neskoreni, Yuda Iskariot, Triumfalna zhinka, Nelehalka, etc. Works were specially written for the ensemble: Yevshan Zillia, Viva Boyko, Tanok Voli.

The productions took place on Toronto’s stages and then in various cities of Canada and the United States. The group has won many awards such as: best leading/supporting actors/actresses, best performance of the festival, best Canadian play, best costume design.


Theatre Zahrava (1)
Josef Terlicki, who became Artistic Director in 1988 after the death of Volodymyr Dovhaniuk, directs ,,Zahrava’s ,, productions. Directors from Ukraine, Fedir Stryhun and Inna Pavlyuk, have worked on a Master Class basis with the group.

In 1990 the ,,Zahrava,, Ensemble conducted a two-week tour of the Ukraine, where it put on 21 productions in 14 days. Also in the 1990s ,,Zahrava ,,put on several dramatic montages for various community events.


TheatreZahrava (2)


Over the past few years, the ,,Zahrava,,has made a number of premieres and has fundamentally become the cultural center of the Toronto  ukrainian community.
It is hard to survive in a new world, but there is an.

The last successor, the “Spills/Proliski”, was a success in Toronto and Montreal.
Now several new premieres are preparing.
I will write about them.
