Women and Flowers

Women and Flowers………

Women-and Flowers


Women and Flowers

Today the  post is only about this.
If anyone is not interested, please go yourself out and do not read.

women and flowers

Today is the Spring Festival. Look at the date of this post and you will understand everything.
But I’m crying………

I got up very early today, looked out the window.
On the street a gray fog, full of snow, melts snow from the roofs. Under the feet of a puddle of melted water.
And on this day for more than a hundred years in this territory of the planet created a holiday….spring holiday.
This holiday was not created here,created  in Moscow, Clara Zetkin (first lady), led by some active group of women to the square and trying to convince that women need equal rights with men.

Women and Flowers

And gradually, over the next few years, a holiday was created for women. This is the day among the gray winters, when men congratulated their close women, gave them attention and flowers.

Women and Flowers

I will not prove that she is right or not
I describe today.
This holiday gradually became one of the big and important days of the year in East Europe.
Then this holiday from Eastern Europe moved to other countries.
Depending on the number of emigrants from eastern Europe, it began to celebrate in Asia, China, America and the Middle East.
On this day, flower traders win million-dollar profits.
Specially for this day, flowers are being grown for sale.
Can you imagine how much fresh flowers are bought?

Women and Flowres

For a long time I did not live in Kiev, I came by traveling.
And this is the first March holiday, I’m celebrating here in Kiev, for the last ten years.
And I’m crying.
Everything changes. The country changes. The system is changing.
Why do I pay?
Because today is the last time this day is officially celebrated in Kiev. Since next year it has been officially canceled.


Yesterday I had  a lot of transport. And I saw people everywhere in the city, with flowers. Women carrying flowers.
Carrying flowers in their hands, in handbags. Women  bring tulips or roses or flowerpots.
Women yesterday were dressed unusually sedately and neatly, a little tinted and each proudly carried flowers home.
Later it turned out that the working day was shortened.
I still have before my eyes these women in flowers everywhere, in the metro ,shuttles,buses,traines.

women and flowers
And yesterday it was amazing.
Flower shops have a choice of different types of flowers, different prices.Men   run …with flowers…AMAIZING..

Why do I cry?
Women of this country need a flower festival.
Let it be, does not go away.
The women of this country are very hardworking and devoted.
Women of this country for many centuries gave birth and brought up children in difficult conditions.
They were leveled by rights and allowed to work for lower salaries.
The women of this country carved machines, trains and flew into space.
They were taught how to survive … maybe it would be better to give them more protection?
Protection for them and their children?
After all, these women are statistically (large number) educating children themselves and without a husband (the percentage of divorced in the country is high)

Very bitter, to tears, for everything that happens in this country…..
Poverty, lack of rights. Poverty and poverty……
And as an indicator of all this, the holidays are being canceled.
Forcibly erased culture … history … some traditions.
Bind it to politics and situation…..ostensibly so it is necessary…….
But it’s hard to see…….
I do not believe that next year men will stop giving flowers to women on March 8.
I do not believe that the holiday will cease to exist.
It is a pity that we can not choose the time ….
It is a pity that the story is altered by itself.
It is a pity that women, previously oppressed in this country, remain oppressed and now


I’m not Jewish or a feminist.
I’m a woman … just a woman … a woman … and that’s it.
All the photos with flowers in this post I give to the women reading this post…….
With spring you, my dear… and let in your life there will be many colors !!!!many flowers with love!!!