The end of August

the-end of August

The time when it’s time to get the results of my semiannual work.
I finished the draft of the script” The Will”
Who would have thought six months ago that I would do it?
Of course, thanks Aleksandr Belinskyy for advice on the life of bikers.
The end of-August

I asked him the details of their life, he replied with humor.
so the script turned out to be humorous.

With practice in writing a script, with the luggage of knowledge, I finish the august.
In the field of art I have already accumulated about 100 different in style paintings. I am absolutely ready for a few quick exhibitions, so I will answer all suggestions.
I have already started selling and very happy about this.
Even six months ago, I was afraid for the fact that I have little amount work. And I sat for 12-18 hours and drew.

These were wonderful days when I was creating something new.
After some time I realized that my fear is absolutely meaningless.
I was firmly established in the firmness of my hand and the creativity of my thoughts.
Thank you,that around me  supported me and helped me to draw.
Nothing else I do not want today.

When I take a brush in my hand I do not know until the end what it will be.
So, for example, a week ago I began to draw 16 “x20” two landscapes. One of them lay down right away and I just left it to dry out, and the second one I repainted three or four times. Then I deleted and painted the picture, the  draw abstract that was already received one thousand compliments and likes.

Really it turned out bright, lively and colorful.
The painting  will appear in my gallery and you will understand what I was talking about.

There are still a lot of work.
I am grateful that it is present in my life and it is my favorite:writing and drawing.

The end-of Augugst

How to learn to separate necessary from unnecessary

Greetings again   🙂
This month I often wrote in a blog.
Do not think what, I’ll be silent for a few months soon 🙂
My breakthrough in communicating with you is connected with the unloading of my time and the opportunity to concentrate on the necessary.This is what will be discussed today.


How to concentrate on the main task for yourself
Why is this important to me?
Just a few years ago I learned to relax, learned instead of the words “No ,, say always” Yes,,
,,Yes,, ……….,,I’m ok,,……….. ,,Good,,
These words killed me       🙂
I stopped to talk out.
It’s hard for me to say ,, No ,,
“No, friends, your event is crap and I will stay at home, I will not go to it.
I will not do it, because I do not need it. ,,
It’s hard for me.

How to- learn to separate necessary from unnecessary

Believe me, I had to remake so much volunteer work to understand how I was cheaply exploited.
But otherwise you will not fall into the sphere where you want to.

How- to -learn to separate -necessary from unnecessary

What have I done?

A month ago I just sat on a chair and did not get up.
I wrote, painted five or ten paintings a week and did not answer calls and invitations.
I gained a little weight, my legs began to swell, I began to move a little.

I’m finishing writing the first script for a feature film.

I prepared for this year’s exhibition.
With the drawing there were complications. I started four paintings in the style of Klimt, but at some point stopped
I could not draw. I thought everything was bad and my work was just rubbish   🙁

I just finished them  today.
Finished, they dried and I am feel good.
This week I will take pictures and publish them, but I will not put them on sale on the websites.

I chose a  difficult business for myself, draw and write.


How to -learn to separate necessary -from- unnecessary

A lot of time to sit by the computer or at the table.
Believe me, it’s hard.
Therefore, for the fulfillment of my goal, I refuse all temptations and invitations.
I hope in time it will be easier and faster for me to do my work.
But for now I’m learning to separate the necessary from unnecessary and to collect useful time for myself.

But in another way I will not get what I have.
Do not get good paintings, if you do not draw regularly.
I will not get a cool story if  I do not constantly write, correct, rewrite 🙂

Now the next step is to show it to all the audience.
Do not put in the table, find buyers.
And then my legs will swell again, but already from walking       🙂