Christmas time

I love winter and the period before Christmas.This is a magical time.

This is Christmas time.


For me in general it is divided into two parts. This is the time of the Catholic Christmas on December 24 and the time of the Orthodox Christmas on January 6.

I am from selected people who prepare on holidays in advance and celebrate for a long time.
Because through time I divided the celebration into two parts.

The first part with my children and the second with my parents.
I just pray that my already elderly parents live longer.
December is always a very busy month, which is connected with  meetings and corporate parties.
Toronto Pre_christmasTime
Christmas time…….Christmas time…..
This year there are also a lot of them.
But in the midst of the bustle, it’s not hard to see how my city is getting ready for Christmas.
Toronto Pre_Christmas time
I will show you, my readers this time and tell about it.
Torono Pre_christmas-Tme

I run through the streets and see these transformations.
This big old city is changing.
toronopre_christmas time
And I want to show these changes to you.

The city is simply transformed radically.
Torono Pre_Christmas time
In the parks everything froze in natural beauty.
Toronto_pre_christmas time

Storefronts are decorated.


In the squares are built Christmas markets.
This is Christmas time…….
Street bazaars call for sales and on them a lot of Christmas toys, souvenirs, hats and clothes.
Toronto Pre Christmas_time (2)

The millions of colorful lights and decorative lighting are lit up.
Even gloomy banks look brighter and more festive.
Torono_prechristmas time

The cafes  dazzle with some new delicacies and scenery.
Large and elegant malls  and small stores are called  to pre- Christmas discounts.
Toronto pre christmas_Time
Christmas time……Christmas time……
Beauty,which bewitches and ravages the eye.
Torono Pre-Christmas_time
Many historical places of the city are preparing in December their programs dedicated to Christmas.
It’s Allen Garden and AGO and Fort York and Nathan Square.
Toronto_pre-Christmas time
In the Nathan Square opened traditional skating.
TorontoPreCristmas time
Now everyone who lives in Toronto can come back after work and skate
Sometimes it’s couples with children.
This is Christmas time.
The changes touched every house in the city.
ToronotoPre_Christmas time

Everyone is trying to prepare the facades of houses smartly for Christmas.
Ancient buildings look great and I like to photograph them.
Totronto Pre_Christmas-time
Modern buildings shine with windows and metal finishes.
TorontoPre-Christmas time
These buildings are so easily combined, as easily in this city the old and the new styles live.
Toronto-pre-Chistmas time
Year round red double-floor bus carries tours on the Dundas Street West.
Toronto Pre-christmas time
The people saying goodbye to each other, say:,, Merry Christmas!,,
Yes,it is Christmas time.
Of course this is the month of philanthropy.
Especially at such a time you feel compassion for the hungry, homeless and sick people.

When near the Allan Gardens in a small area the homeless of the whole district gathered to disassemble a huge bunch of winter clothes brought by him, I thanked the
people who helped them to exist.
A city cleared of debris and foliage, many places in the center of the city are still blocked by construction, but this is   normal for a constantly renewed city.

Recently changed the flights of streetcars from wide and high to more flat, the streetcars themselves changed, which became less noisy and with low enter’s steps.
Low, specifically for people with disabilities on wheelchairs.
This year winter came slowly.
It’s seemed to come quietly every day.
And now, when I’m writing this post-outside the window, it’s already snowing all over.
Snowing will be  all next week too.
Ten days still before the Christmas.