It’s already the summer solstice. This is the middle of the summer cycle and today is the longest day of summer. It’s +30 outside. Full moon. A mixture of dense air, warmth and sun.
But I have to note that I can’t keep up with everything. My calendar is out of touch with reality. Does this happen to you? Do you notice that you can’t keep up with time? Well, at least for a little bit, for one day or a little more? I notice this and then I rush, trying to catch up. And now I’m sitting near the ripe cherry tree in the garden near the house and I think that I’m a little late again. Just yesterday I watched it bloom, fed the birds near the trees. Then there was a lot of work and for a whole month we were busy with rehabilitating Chucky. For some reason, during this period, the birds flew away from us. Maybe they saw that we had no time for them, maybe they didn’t notice how the feeder was overgrown with raspberries. There were only sparrows in the pocket, and the female and male red cardinal sang and flew in other gardens .Today the female returned. I was at home, went out for a walk with Chucky, he is already seriously getting on his feet and staggering, but walking. The female red cardinal flew up and asked me for food. For more than a month. Of course, I gave it to her. And then I noticed, that I had guests – these were large scorzes with red breasts, who feasted on my cherries and were sitting on a tree. I raised my head up and saw that the cherries were really already ripe and they were feasting on them. We need to collect the cherries, otherwise in a couple of days there will be none left. This year the cherry tree was large and sweet. A Ukrainian cherry, a small tree, was hiding near it. In Ukraine they call it “Dichka”, It is strong and prolific, but it doesn’t like the neighborhood and this year it dropped almost all the flowers and does not produce a harvest .Last year I picked my first ten cherries. It was a real gift for me.
However, this year I wanted more fruits from this tree, but the tree decided everything differently. It didn’t like the proximity to the cherry tree and raspberry bushes. It threw a couple of shoots in case it conquered a new territory. Such cherries are very creeping and tenacious. And then it bloomed and dropped all the fruits that had set. Not enough space. Not enough freedom. Not enough space.
We’ll have to give it space and trim the neighboring cherry tree in the fall.
When I look now at new technologies in China, when they make fences out of trees and cherries grow in bunches, I want to try, but I’m afraid that I will ruin the life of my tree. If I had a lot of space, I would try, but I I have a very small piece of land.
I’m sitting on the balcony, watching as the sun hides in the clouds from the heat. Somewhere thunder begins to rumble. It might rain, or maybe it’s just a scare. However, the air is already changing to cooler and this is comforting. The heat is subsiding. Cooler weather is coming.
I sit and think how much we have accomplished in the last month.