my dear readers

my dear readers!


I am pleased to inform you that my half-year training process is completed

It was a time of stress and perseverance

It was fear and despair and neeotenie and jerks and degradability and courage

Very hard to learn after 50

Head have all been studied and decomposed.

But five years ago I came to Canada and had to relearn everything.

Without Canadian education my salary is very small

And temporary work does not provide life

So I decided to learn

No it is not art … it’s anatomy and radiology and is a work in medicine

I hope that my ability is now increased, and life will change

 I’m so bored of drawing pictures
and just received the freedom of studyinattacked drawing


I suggest that you look at and appreciate my new paintings
All comments sent to the mailbox.
I read every

On the purchase price  please contact me


Also your can be my friend in www.facebook/helenpolishukart


saturday’s walking

Toronto’s population increases in the summer.


there is more congestion and traffic jams in the morning and rush hour.

People begin to migrate 🙂

The city attracts relatives and friends, acquaintances and employees.


People poured into the streets, everywhere heard multilingual speech.


 If course, Toronto  in this period is replete with numerous cultural event.

I’ll show you just one day in July.

Easy walk on Queen St.East…….Today….


It is an ordinary day, nothing special and no holiday today….

People relax and walk


I heard the music and came closer.


I was feeling of joy and delight when I saw this musical group and couples dancing near him



This solar joyful mood tripled in me.

It’s true, it is impossible to remain indifferent by this atmosphere…

Already wore a smile on my face, I went on a walk down the street


A block away, I saw once again a place of rest and advertising signs

 Came closer I decided to like the man to try roaches, fleas, crickets and worms …. dry and salty )))))


It is delicious and a little spicy taste


In the next quarter unusual bubbles and balls touted passers…..drink and taste wines

All together charges passers joy and gladness….. do not want to go home


spring art of transformation

May has flown by very quickly taking a lot of beautiful days.

 Heat came in Toronto one day after a long famine, and the winds.

 In Toronto there is no spring and knows the nature.
Very long exhausting winter with snow  return in April and May.
And then……. one day it becomes unusually hot and sunny
And every living thing in the Toronto / dogs, people ,raccoons, birds / creep out into the streets in a massive amount 🙂
 It begins the most interesting time for residents
People wear the most colorful clothes and start to get acquainted with each other more actively.
Bird nest and creating a growing chicks sing extremely nice and loud.
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The owners of houses are beginning to repair them or to sell.
Begin to repair the road and there are huge traffic jams.
Generally, this is a period of alterations and amendments.
 This is a spring art of transformation


art of writing

I need to write….

even if tortured exams and preparation..


even though many had fallen home affairs…..


even if the street was warm and beautiful……

and want to wander around and take pictures….


even if the evening and the days mixed up and got a lot of plans……

even if the mood drawn to nature…..


even if there are new worries and hobbies….


I need to write….for you my friends readers.

thank you that you have my readers.

art in study

I take the courses continuously since the beginning of the year

I’m very tired….a lot of exams and preparation for eхams…..

Time passes by… was winter and now   spring has ends…..

It is given me hard, because I want to catch a lot on the same time…

I keep a lot of paint and will present my new work today…

I think the work is finished

I often go back to work on the painting the same picture after time

I saturate the picture  by color and sometimes add to it details.

Today I’ll show you how to design this picture in time and stages…IMAG2887







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weather’s art

Spring slowly came to Toronto



Night is still cold.


Afternoon sun does not often…..

Trees are still standing without leaves.

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Tulips started to bloom with bright colors


Already all around Alberta and New York came the heat.

I live in Canada and with weather we need to negotiate and make friends.

You have to love weather as it is……….