How to combine holidays and work?
Make a small movie or photo album of past holidays.
The beginning of each year connected with the continuation of the Christmas holidays.The holidays are almost over, will soon begin work.

How to spend an active holiday and to tune into ,,working life,,?
How to make a unique holiday and put them to work?
About this and my other ideas, we’ll talk today.
If you have the skills as photographer and know how to make smаll films, during the holidays you have the time of work.
Shooting the video where the whole family is together celebrating the New Year and make it a few movies, you’re a long time to leave a good memory of this holiday.
You can combine a few good photos and a few short video together, so that the film has turned ,,fresh,,.You can add funny pictures or video from previous events or to insert funny phrases, then the film get ,,live,,and ,,funny,,.
Always carry a camera
My advice is always to go to a party with a camera and make small movies,short video or photos.
During the long holidays are always meet with family and friends, visit the event.Very interesting to make a New Year’s photo’s of the city.Many of the city before the New Year is very beautiful illuminating.
Your works can be published to social networks(use Snapfish,Instagram,Pinterest) or on websites publish such work.The three best photo sharing website:
Do this work two or three years.Then montage this film.This is a small script of the documentary titled,, How to decorate my city before the New Year,,.Such work can be presented for jury Short Film Festivals.
In Canada ,there are competitions where the published work, both beginners and experienced operators.Publish on Youtube,Facebook,Vimeo….
Importantly, do not be afraid and do.

So, holidays will be saturated, and connect business with pleasure,combine holidays and work.
It is very important during the long vacation to make as many sketches.
I had the idea to make small movies: ,, Who ride the subway,, and,, How a ride in the subway,,.For example, on the long weekend or holidays the subway dies, it empty….and conversely,busy in rush hour during working week.
From any footage always get the basis of movie.Here needs your idea.
If you want to show something funny, or you want to show something interesting.Set a plan: WHAT I want TO SHOW?
And answer the question: For WHOM I want to show it ?
WHO will look at it? WHO is interested???
Use your ideas and your imagination.Then get an interesting movie and interesting Christmas holidays.
I have shared some of my ideas for you to know how to spend your holidays fun and useful.I hope they will help novice operators to withdraw interesting films.It will improve your skills and connect or combine holidays and work.
Another idea I advise you today.
If you are traveling by car in a different city, you can shoot your trip.
Only it is necessary to fix the camera, to keep it from trembling.
From such a video can be cut into shot on other films.For example,….,,evening,,….or…. ,,night,, or ,,road outside the city,, …or…,,highway ,,..
Always fantasize and create stories….For me the most interesting of my video was a video made by me in the last summer on the main street of Toronto ,on Yonge Street in the evening.
I just went and filming a movie about the toward walking people, the street and shop windows.
Video came out very interesting.
I think after a nice active holidays to return to work in a good mood and memories,it is the best.Exellent, if there is a film that you can show your friends.Do so and you will have great memories and good skills.
