Mimmis Adventures Interview


First of all we would like you to introduce yourself so that we can introduce you to our audience. Who are you? How long have you been making films?

Over 15 years in film production, last 4 years filmmaking, scriptwriting and producing

And now we talk about your project Mimmis Adventures. What the audience will find?

I wanted to create a film through the eyes of a small clumsy dog. Exactly a comedy , becouse to show the world  how it seen  dog, animal perception of the surroundings of the city and nature.

Mimmi is 1.5 kg mini chihwahwa  and absolutely not trained for filming. I had to adapt to him. He is afraid of street filming and therefore trembling ears are often visible.
IBy shooting in different locations, the film turned out to be rich and  I have reached my goal to show the beauty of nature.

A special place is given to Mimmi in nature, where he smells flowers and grass, where bees fly and the sun shines.

Were you inspired by any other movie to make Mimmis Adventures?

Absolutely my idea.
If you see this little mischievous dog, the first thing you will do is smile.
That’s why when he appeared, I created the film with a smile.
And this is just the beginning. There is already a continuation. Not yet mounted ,videos already in the files. I would like to complicate the topic and add more adventures.

Mimmi -best actor

And now we would like to know about your cinematographic preferences:

I came to the cinema already as an artist, therefore the image is important for me. I constantly fill my eye by creating video filming.
I like editing shots to create the images you see onscreen,  creates shot lists, floor plans, and lighting diagrams

I study  techniques and try different cameras, study cinematic elements such as lenses, filters, lights, and other camera/lighting requirements.

I have my own three cameras and they are different. I continue to draw

What does cinema mean to you?

This is my life. I came to the cinema in love with work and gradually improved. Now a lot is behind me and I understand. It’s difficult to achieve everything at once.

Apparently I am one of the difficult creators. Shooting a couple of scenes, dialogues, saturating them with special effects is too easy for me. Creating a very vivid script and implementing it in a film is my goal before starting a film.

Therefore, science fiction  and horror remains one of the main  genres for me because it is necessary to realize the meaning of the script in the frame

Which movie is the best for you?

Metropolis by Fritz Lang  and now DUNE by Denis Villeneuve .

I think it’s the best movie in recent years.

What do you think a movie must have as an essential ingredient?

The main thing is an excellent SCRIPT.

Thoughtful, calculated and laid back a little to remove the excess.

Your favorite actor or actress?

The most difficult question of all.

I will try to answer. I am a technician. I approach the work technically.
It’s hard for me to name someone I love more than another.
When I watch films, and I do it almost regularly, I see the performance of actors and somewhere better, somewhere weaker. But there are no privileges and preferences.

After all, I am a small segment of a large machine. Success with us is not always possible to predict.
And you will agree that in some genre some actors are more successful, while in others they lose.

By the way, I run Instagram (@astra_production) where I share my opinion about the movie I watched and even try to determine  during past years who will win the Oscar. There is a Sunday contest for knowing the name of the movie. I share videos where I show bts of movies.

What qualities do you see in that actor/actress to have such consideration. What do you like most about them?

I am very picky about projects.
On the site, sometimes you have to adapt. I will give an example.
In one films, the main actress was a lthree-year-old girl. Her parents forbade her to use a mobile phone.
Her shooting lasted a long time, she kept the text, was calm and easily recorded, but there was no fire, no spark was felt. I came up with a scene that she was holding a mobile phone and photographing a drawing that she sent to her grandmother.
The girl immediately came to life, I told how to use a mobile phone. In the frame, she herself took a picture. How much joy she had and this is the first time in her life.
This happens.

A good movie has to…

Everything worked out perfectly – make-up, lighting, screenwriter, director, cameraman and producer with advertising.

What genre of cinema do you prefer?

Ski fi/triller/adventures/historical/horror/action

How do you define yourself professionally?

I love my job and am always learning and trying new things.

What movie have you seen most often?

Only one?  The last script I did was  a historical triller. At the end the producer decided that it was necessary to add a spy movie and I had to watch a lot of spy movies to put together an image.
I can’t remember any one that I look at more than others.

What topics are the most inspiring for you?

My last work is historical triller

What helps you to be more creative? Do you have a writing routine?

Yes, I like to stop myself and somewhere in the notes to write down some statements, thoughts, or if something has affected me in the news, then study it in detail.

When you write a script, are you clear about how it will end or are you building it?

Short films  are based on ideas and are easy to anticipate without construction.
But with the film 130 minutes +   you have to build. After all, there is a line of a hero or several, plus climaxes and denouement. And this must be built

Thank you for the interview. It is very full and interesting.Thank you very much for your attention and see you again.
I want to note that for me the theme of nature is very relevant and free time, time of relaxation and rest, I actively devote to going out into nature, traveling,hiking.

This interview was given for the Spanish festival Into the wild Film Festival Castelló d’empúries, Girona 17486
april 7,2022


Is it possible today speak with you,my readers, without pictures and photos?

Talk to you directly.

First,I wish you health. It is very important .Hope you well.

I want to read your comments, it is important for me to hear you, my readers.

So that I could communicate with you.

Some from you ask why site was closed? I do not know so much about the problem of the Internet, but there was a failure . I can only say that I am very glad that that again my site, which I created brick by brick, by years, putting my desires and dreams, that this site is now working again. I just wish that there was some minimal consensus between the companies and sites and the failures were not so significant and thanks to them, my site is alive. I would like to rejoice together with you that you, my readers, are doing all right and well.
It is most important.

What’s my news?
For the first time in two years, we will have a major auction in August, in which I participate … The auction is anonymous and online.
If you are interested, please take a look at www.fb/Helenpolishukart -that my page on fb where I share paintings and info about future auction.

Another news: second part stories about small doggy Mimmi started postproduction time and I hope you will see them this fall.

Also I have great short film in production about our time,our reality .This movie take more time in production becouse its have graphics and special effects.

There are a few more projects that are too early to announce to you, but they are in the works.

I do not respond to advertisements and do not work for companies or private advertisements.
If you have any business proposals, write to me by email helen.polishuk@gmail.com
I will try to answer to every one.

Once again, I am very glad that my site is working again and I can communicate with you.

I am waiting for your letters

Have a great day.


July 14 ,2021 Toronto

ANGELS (behind the scenes)



I am sharing great news, friends for you.
,,Angels,, won its second award yesterday.


This is an award at the festival in Munich  New Wave Short Film Festival   and I am proud of it.
The film received an award in the category Religion & Faith .

inner 2 june 2021 angels

I thank the jury for evaluating the film and am very proud for this award.
When a film is recognized by the jury, it is the greatest joy for the producer, for the filmmaker.
This is a victory for perseverance and creativity, for the set and completed task, for efforts, for motivation, for overcoming difficulties, for the love of cinema.


I would like to celebrate the victory with you and tell you how the shooting took place and show the frame-process of filming.Behind the scene


I already told you about this amazing film
By the way, you can watch it online




The film starred a 3-year-old girl Maya, who received an award in the nomination TINY SUPERSTAR  at ROMA SHORT FILM FESTIVAL a month ago.


The girl is really very talented. She remembered text well, behaved perfectly and calmly in front of the camera.

In this video you can see how easy it is for her in front of the camera.This is final shot.Final scene.



There were many interesting moments in the film.
At least the one when the actress was supposed to draw an angel, but did not want to.
I had to give her a ready-made drawing and turn on the TV so that she was relaxed and played herself.

Well, and another interesting moment, for the first time in her life, during the filming , in front of the camera, she took a mobile phone in her hands.

Before that, her parents did not allow her to play with  mobile phone.
During the filming , Maya picked  mobile and not only took, but she needed a mobile phone to photograph her drawing.
And the  did it !
From the first shot.
For her, it was innovation, discovery and pleasure.
In general, the film was shot easily for me.
Let me remind you, this was my first film.
I have been preparing for its creation for a long time, studied and tried a lot.
Therefore, I am pleased with every victories of this film ANGELS


There is a film screening ahead  at the festival and I hope that soon it will be free to go to the festival as a filmmaker after a year and a half.





Again in touch with you, my readers
I didn’t close my site as planned.
I stay here until 2020  ends with its curiosities
Bycnfv,ek yfuhflf
Over the past year, I have released a short film,,Angels,, I wrote  you about earlier.

This short film is about the support of Ukraine and the warmth of family ties between Ukraine, Latvia and Canada.

This is the debut of a small but strong team and Astra Production Center

Really strong team for this time.
In general, the first pancake flew out. And it is called ,, Angels ,,
I  presented the film at many festivals in 2020.
I admit I was delighted to receive the awards for him.
Show some of them in photo up
My team that worked on the film is worth such awards.
Little 3-year-old Maya played her role perfectly. She calmly kept herself in the frame, posed, read her text well.
5-year-old Sonya, a wonderful skater and an excellent student, the second main character in the film, also played her role perfectly.

And we can already say with confidence that both girls in the future, if they continue their career as actresses, will be successful.
Now the film runs through the festivals, as it should be with.

Today I was officially invited to New York Istanbul Short Film Festivale by a letter from the organizers of the festival.
I hold my fists, I want to get a prize, because it is worth the awards.
Here is a link to my Instagram, where by subscribing, you can follow all my news about me  in the world of cinema and art.
Instagram @polishukelena

Facebook this time not active by my opinion

There is a difficult period in the world, many productions have stopped, but I have launched the second film MIMMIS ADVENTURES
New short film  being prepared for the release. 

It is a comedy about a mini dog chihuahua Mimmy.
I have already written about her and will write further.

Fort York /my center of gravity

There are several places in Toronto where I like to return.


One of them is Fort York, my center of gravity.

solders fort york

There are original War of 1812 buildings and 1813 battle site.Located in downtown.


Having got there once on the Open Day Toronto in May, every year I return there with pleasure.

Fort-York photo


History of Fort York starts from the moment when John Graves Simcoe ordered the construction of a garrison on the present site of Fort York in 1793.

Fort YorkOld

Simcoe wanted to establish a naval base at Toronto in order to control Lake Ontario.


mAP fort york


In his capacity as lieutenant-governor of the British province of Upper Canada, Simcoe also moved the provincial capital to Toronto from the vulnerable border town of Niagara during that tense period. Toronto was renamed ‘York,’ civilian settlement followed the government, and the settlement began to grow. During those early years, Fort York played a significant role in the economic and social development of the small backwoods community.

old photo fort york


In 1807, Anglo-American relations began to deteriorate. In 1812, the United States declared war and invaded Canada. On 27 April 1813, the U.S. Army and Navy attacked York with 2700 men on fourteen ships and schooners, armed with eighty-five cannon. The defending force of 750 British, Canadians, Mississaugas, and Ojibways had twelve cannon.

The Americans stormed ashore west of the fort under the cover of their naval guns. The defenders put up a strong fight, but fell back to Fort York from the landing site in the face of overwhelming odds. The British commander, Major-General Sir Roger Sheaffe, then retreated eastward and blew up the fort’s gunpowder magazine (located near today’s Memorial Area). The explosion was devastating: 250 Americans fell dead or wounded from its blast, including their field commander, Brigadier-General Zebulon Pike. Total losses in the six-hour battle were 157 British and 320 Americans.

The Mississaugas and Ojibways withdrew into the forest, Sheaffe’s professional troops retreated to Kingston, and the local militia surrendered the town. The Americans occupied York for six days. They looted homes, took or destroyed supplies, and burned Government House and the Parliament Buildings (near today’s Front and Parliament streets). In 1814, the British retaliated when they captured Washington and burned the White House, Capitol, and other public buildings.

The Americans returned to a defenceless York in July 1813 to burn barracks and other buildings that they missed in April. Shortly afterwards, the British rebuilt Fort York on what is both today’s and Simcoe’s original site. In August 1814, Fort York was strong enough to repel the U.S. squadron when it again tried to enter Toronto Bay. In February 1815, word reached York that the War of 1812 had ended the previous December. It was good news: peace had returned, and the defence of Canada against American invasion had been successful.

Photo Fort York


The British continued to garrison Fort York after the war, although most soldiers moved to new barracks one kilometre west of the fort in 1841. (The officers’ barracks of that ‘New Fort’ or ‘Stanley Barracks’ survives today.) During times of peace, Fort York’s defences were allowed to deteriorate, only to be strengthened in periods of crisis, such as the Rebellion Crisis of 1837–41, or when war with the United States seemed imminent, such as in 1861–62.

In 1870, the Canadian government assumed responsibility for most of the country’s defences, including Fort York. Canadian troops maintained the harbour defences at the fort until its guns and earthworks became obsolete in the 1880s. The army, however, did not abandon the site at that time, but used it for training, barracks, offices, and storage until the 1930s. Some military activity even took place at Fort York during World War II.
Between 1932 and 1934, the City of Toronto restored Fort York to celebrate the centennial of the incorporation of the city in 1834. On Victoria Day 1934, Fort York opened as a historic site museum. Today, its defensive walls surround Canada’s largest collection of original War of 1812 buildings. Even the older part of the one reconstructed building on the site, the Blue Barracks, contains a significant amount of 1814-period material and is an interesting example of the efforts made during the Great Depression to create employment by restoring and rebuilding historic sites.

Today this place is one of the favorite places in Toronto.On annual festivals here gather from all Ontario and Canada.


Here lives the history of the city.



On the maps you can see the path of hunters, which passed through Toronto to America.

Hunting Fort York

Fort York_toronto

secondFort York

There are exhibits of weapons, household utensils, telling about the life and life of that period.

product FORT yORK

Fort York Hunting
It is very interesting when the military march and demonstrate how to use weapons.



On holidays you can see dances that show different dance groups and collectives on the territory of the museum.



I love to sign my paintings

I love- to- sign my paintings

I love to sign my paintings.This is a delight.

I love_ to_ sign my paintings

……………………….I returned to paint landscapes and drew boats among the sea.
Then I had a little color block, I added everything red. Added.Plus  :0   More     🙂
Until I got what you see.
I like it………………………………

I can remain silent for a long time in social networks.
It’s not because I have nothing to say.
I am a very hardworking person.
It means that I’m doing something.

I lov-e to sign -my paintings

                                                      ……………….Also this winter landscape was drawn among the heat and hot summer.
Do not ask, this presence is red. There is also a red color.:)……………………………….

In the course of a last  long weekend I drew more than 10 paintings.

…………………………….I touched on a topic that started a few years ago-a woman and a violin.
I got four wonderful paintings.
I today sign them with pleasure

I love_ to signmy paintings

I am very pleased with this result and I sit with pleasure and sign more  my work. 🙂
For the artist this is the coolest time of creating a picture.
To sign your work is to finish it.
It means that I agree with everything that is painted there, with light, color, contrast and plot.

I lovetosign my paintings

What I am showing today is not everything. What have I done.
Very interesting stories appeared in my head. They revolve around the works of the artist Gustav Klimt


I_ love_ to sign my paintings


………………..In the favorite I have the latest contrasting drawings of the modern style…………………..

You will see my work very soon.
And right now I just sit and enjoy.
I sign my work with pleasure.

I love_ tosign_ my paintings

I liked working with red.
This color revived my paintings.
They began to burn in canvas.
I will continue to create this color.


I_ love_ to _sign my paintings
…………….I liked drawing faces.
The truth is, they do not always work for me in the model way, as you would like.
But who else can draw so awfully,, Sleeping,, like me?……………………..

Ilove tosignmypaintings

I published all the work on my website.
Only some of them I put on  sale on the Artfinder.com and Saatchiart.com.

I- love to sign- my paintings

How is it so good to sit like this,to drink coffee and put the signature on already born paintings.


